> Henrique,
> As for my last name there should be no hint of its
> Portuguese origins in the 
> current anglicized form.

Cruz is Portuguese, mate.  Your parents should have
properly anglicised it to Cross. ... Or maybe Cruise. 

> Originally De La Cruz  = meaning OF THE CROSS in
> Espanol (Spanish),
> it was metamophosized to Da Cruz as my parents were
> citizens of Lo Estado Da 
> India (i.e. Goa)

Spanish? Então Goa foi espahol pá? Caramba! Mas que é
isso? Rewriting history? You remind me of another Goan
gent in the UK (long passed away) who changed his name
by deed poll to a Spanish-sounding one and liked to be
known as hailing from the capital of Brasil. 

> and an 
> accomplished alumnus of India's elite Indian
> Institute of Tecnology (IIT) 

Foregoing proves somehow that IITians are NQR - I've a
Powai-ian cousin and know another Powai-ian (of Goan
parentage) in Melbourne whose thought processes are
hard to fathom ...


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