On Dec 15, 2013, Goanet Reader posted the following from VM: "  Just
this week, an endlessly shameless gossip columnist titled a typical
throw-away column, 'We know what you did in Goa', that claimed, "Throw
in feni, the sun, the sea, and boom!  Men's libidos explode."


1: Finally, a word or two from the Vindhya Mountain.

2: Even if I was involved in construction, I would not build a beam to
support the Vindhya Mountain.

3: I wonder if common colds gather Xacuti masala and spontaneously
convert into 'flashing' bronchopneumonias.

3: I am not surprised that Indian politicians and patracars find it so
facile to beat up on Goan men i.e. those 'good for nothing' 'cooks and
butlers' and 'losers' who normally 'drink feni with their sorpatel
lunch' and 'break out into spontaneous song and dance before going to
their siesta'?

4: I am now convincing myself that the Sri Ram Sena and the Bajrang
Dal were actually right in trying to warn the young ladies of
Mangalore (2009) NOT to frequent pubs? After all, Pubs are places
which might be frequented by Mangalorean (Goan) Men whose " libidos
explode " after a drink or two, No?

5: My personal advice to those who might be at a party where alcohol
is being served: DO NOT TOUCH the stuff.  IF you must drink,  please
drink way below your known limits. Please remember that colourful
statements and responses to colourful conversations initiated by
others, may be easily be misconstrued and used against you. Folks are
not necessarily as liberated and open minded as you might be led to

6: Once the dominos start tumbling, you may have little or no control
- with or without G-chat records of racy Bilateral conversations
between two ostensible adults..

7: Even so, I normally advise my friends ....


"Needless Confrontation may result in multi-lateral Destruction".

"Do not go near Pandora and that Box unless you really have to".

"Think about the innocent / unaware bystanders who might be part of
the collateral damage."

ps: Like Child Abuse, Sexual Harassment is a serious matter. Pity that
"we" weaken the fight against these crimes by way of masalafication.

I have not read any 'columns' about the Potency Test. Have you?

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