*Civil aviation safety downgrade proves sector in perilous state in India*

India has an international civil aviation safety rating equal to
Swaziland's and worse than Pakistan's. That the rating downgrade was done
by the US' Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is irrelevant.

The FAA's safety audits are based on prevailing international standards
that India accepts. It is noteworthy that civil aviation minister Ajit
Singh has not denied the FAA's criticisms, but merely argued that India had
taken remedial measures that the audit did not take into account. What is
troubling is that the downgrade was predictable. The gap between what
international standards require and what the Directorate-General of Civil
Aviation (DGCA) is doing has been widening for some years. It is telling
that no attempt has been made by the government to fix responsibility for
this turn of events - possibly because it would boomerang on the
authorities concerned.

Civil aviation in India should have been a success story. India is
geographically well-placed to be a hub. It is the sort of industry that the
country would have done well by: A service industry with high rates of
employment and where competitive labour costs matter, plenty of economic
spin-offs in tourism and business, relatively low levels of investment and
technology. Instead, the recent history of civil aviation in India is one
of bankrupt airlines and volatile ticket prices merged with high levels of
corruption and policy-fixing. The safety downgrade is symptomatic of the
dominant culture of flying in India: A system treated as a milch cow from
which to extract patronage, money and worse. Air India is jokingly called
an urban employment guarantee scheme as it functions like an expensive,
leaky welfare system. Foreign airlines are the only players which seem to
be able to make profits from the Indian market. One can be proud of the new
airports that have come up around the country - but also wonder why they
are awash in red ink.

There has been only muted criticism of the haphazard manner in which the
flying business has taken off in India. As long as the sector seemed to
outwardly improve, there has been a tendency to presume there was no reason
to complain. The downgrade has shown that the sector is in a rickety state.
The DGCA, for example, is a body largely unchanged from what it was 15
years ago. But the skies above India have become barely recognisable during
that time. The civil aviation ministry is a vestigial organisation, largely
an outpost of crony capitalism. In most developed countries there is no
such ministry, they just have a regulator. The creation of a new civil
aviation authority has been approved but remains to be implemented. India
can become a monarch of the skies, but only after an overhaul of a system
that keeps civil aviation permanently grounded.


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