Thanks Gerard for sharing this information. It is important to counter these 
bogus scares that crop up from time to time by educating people about basic 
scientific concepts. Underlying these scares there invariably is some 
commercial scam or MLM-type fraud being perpetrated. 



> On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:56 PM, Gerard Delaney <> 
> wrote:
> > Last year, a small group of Saliganvkars created awareness in the 
> Lourdes Convent school hall about the alleged dangers of the radiation 
> from Mobile towers by showing a PP presentation of the so called expert 
> Prof. Girish Kumar. The same presentation was used again for a much 
> bigger group of villagers in Gladstone Ribeiro Sa's house and as a 
> result the construction of the mobile tower by Dmello Telepower Pvt Ltd 
> in Saligao was forced to stop.
> When 6 of the leaders had met in my (Gerard Delaney's) house after the 
> Lourdes convent program, I had clearly explained to them how this Prof. 
> Girish Kumar was using his position to create fear in the minds of the 
> public about the radiation and thereby helping his daughter's business 
> of selling meters to measure radiation and shields for it. I had even 
> explained that the average frequency of light is one million times 
> greater than that of microwave radiation. Hence according to the well 
> established laws of Physics, light has energy greater than that of 
> microwave radiation by one million. Thus it is ridiculous to be afraid 
> of microwave radiation and not of visible light radiation which is one 
> million times stronger! *However, what transcribed during the meeting, 
> was never released to the general public by the leaders of the agitation.*
> Now a special panel of 13 members set up by the DoT in keeping with the 
> Allahabad High Court's orders, has exposed the misdeeds of the 
> Professor  and affirmed that there is no danger to the health from the 
> radiations emitted by mobile towers. Read about this at:
> *Deccan Herald dated 25**^th **of February 2014*
> /Rejecting the contention of electrical engineering professor Girish 
> Kumar, the 13-member panel said Kumar repeatedly red-flagged these 
> concern in the media because of his family's commercial interest in 
> companies involved in manufacturing radiation-shielding products. 
> Kumar's daughter Neha Kumar sells radiation-shielding products through 
> her company NESA Radiation Solutions Pvt Ltd. //
> ///
> **
> *The Indian Express; Feb 25 2014*
> /A committee set up by the department of telecommunications has raised a 
> red flag over the ethical conduct of an IIT-Bombay professor for blowing 
> out of proportion the effects of mobile phone tower radiation on humans 
> and on the other hand promoting his family's business of products that 
> claim to reduce the impact of such radiation.
> /
> /"The committee observed that his daughter, Neha Kumar, is selling 
> radiation shielding solutions through her company NESA Radiation 
> Solutions Private Ltd. On one hand, he is spreading misinformation and 
> creating misconceptions and unfounded apprehensions in the mind of the 
> public by sensationalizing and blowing out of proportion the effects of 
> EMF radiation, and on the other hand, he is promoting his family's 
> business in related products (which do not even follow any national or 
> international standards), thus throwing professional ethics to the 
> winds," the report said.
> /
> ./ long as EMF radiation power levels in the vicinity of base 
> stations of cell phone towers are below the prescribed limits, there 
> should not be any cause of concern for adverse thermal health effects on 
> human beings living close them," the committee said in its report./
> *__*

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