Dear Gerard,

Thanks for your kind words. Please call me Santosh. I would be happy to write 
an article in a Goan newspaper on this subject. I have written OpEds in Herald 
before. Regarding the angry response by Prof. Girish Kumar to your email, let 
me just assure you that my reasoning is my own. It has been shaped by my 
understanding of basic physics, biology and medicine, by my reading of original 
research articles and review papers in the specific EMF and radiation 
biology/medicine fields, and my own thinking. I have no ties with the cell 
phone industry, nor have I been funded by cell phone companies. The least we 
can do as rational people is to not believe in massive world-wide conspiracy 
theories involving the governments, industrial establishments and the 
mainstream scientific community.

By the way, I mentioned to your son Ashley, when he wrote to me earlier, that 
it is very rare to find a teacher and educator like you among Goans who cares 
deeply about educating the public about science. 



On Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:52 PM, Gerard Delaney <> 

Dear Dr. Santosh,
>I have been following your mails carefully and have been very
    impressed with your scientific reasoning which is backed up by
    published research work on this topic. So far, as I see it, there is
    a great debate raging between only you and Prof. G.Kumar and hardly
    any body else is reading about it.
>It would be greatly beneficial for the public at large if you could
    write an article for the newspapers which allays their fears about
    the 'dangerous' radiations. A few days ago, I was so happy to read
    in the newspapers that the Dept. of Telecommunications was intending
    to have a series of programs in the various towns precisely to do
    this. Coming from a person of your stature and standing, the article
    would carry a lot of weight and offset the negative influence which
    has been caused in the past by articles which appear now and then
    frightening the public unnecessarily about the low density
    radiations emitted from the mobile towers.
>I can give you the email addresses of the editors of local
    newspapers if you are willing to do this.

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