We need to get religion, religious identities and religious figures out of 
politics and government. Secular ideals are universal. They were practiced in 
India long before the advent of Hinduism, in Europe before the advent of 
Christianity, and by the Arabs before the advent of Islam. Without the uniquely 
Indian secular pluralism India will be left with only religious and racial 
bigotry - communal activists of all stripes battling with and rioting against 
each other on petty sectarian matters, and using public offices to promote 
narrow agendas. Modi is a bigot because he believes in a bigoted Hindu 
supremacist ideology. He is a despot because he and his followers want and 
expect him to be coronated in a democracy by propagating a phony cult of 

Swamis, Popes and Mullahs have no place in the business of government and 
secular life.



Sandesh Anwekar wrote:
>We don't need the secular ideology imported from Europe. We need the
rejuvenation of India on the basis >Hindu ideology. That is what great
saints like Swami Vivekananda has said. And this idea is much grandiose >than 
the petty secular idea of a nation. Also I do not understand how someone like 
you who otherwise is >wise enough
to produce the proofs while making statements for/against any matter, can
be so abrupt while >accusing Modi of being a bigot/dispot ??? 
>On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Santosh Helekar wrote: 
>> It is frustrating that people who believe in secular ideals, free market 
>> economy and meritocracy are >>aligning with a Hindu bigot and a despot. How 
>> can people be fooled so easily? I am not yet willing to >>accept that the 
>> Indian masses will let such a man come to power at the center.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

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