There is not a single day without a power cut in the Capital City
If your had 1-2 days without power failure that could mean next day there would 
be a power cut 2/3 time.
They can’t blame the rains all the time e.g. Goa has no rain so many days now.
Other day, I was at a dentist in the city. I lied on the dentist chair and 
there was a power cut soon after. I am back to the patients waiting room for 15 
minutes.  Returned back on the chair but after another 15 minutes power goes 
off again.. when phoned the Elct. Dept, they said power will be resumed in 15 
minutes. Seeing that no power even after 20 minutes, upon enquiry, this time 
the Dept. says it will take another 30 mins (with no guarantee..). 
How the Dentist got a trade licence without the provision of back-up power such 
as inverters etc,  is another issue.
Welcome to Capital City
The constituency of the City MLA who is also the Goa Chief Minister Manohar 

Coming next, 1 min video .. 'Stinking Panjim' 

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