I tried to look to see if any secular court or any genuinely secular thinker 
has tried to scapegoat private citizens belonging to any religion or creed as 
defenders or supporters of rapists, murderers, rioters, terrorists, child 
molesters, homophobes, religious extremists, maoists, secessionists, etc. I 
also tried to see if any court or secular thinker has sided with a prejudiced 
opinion on an internet forum. I could not find any examples of these. I would 
appreciate it if any of you could provide such examples.



> On Monday, August 4, 2014 11:38 AM, Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Santosh Helekar:
> The Indian courts like courts in other countries have tried to do exactly
> that. In doing so they and all genuinely secular thinkers have recognized
> that people commit crimes and atrocities, not because they belong to any
> particular religion or lack thereof, but because they are fundamentally
> immoral and abusive. They have a criminal mind, or a mind altered by
> substance abuse or serious mental illness.
> Response:
> I trust the above view and description also includes those who defend /
> justify the rapes, brutal killings and destruction of religious places of
> worship and property of innocent people.Would you agree?
> After all, the foot-soldiers and the lumpen elements who carry out the
> dastardly deeds are motivated and encouraged by the ideologues who inspire
> them to carry out the deeds and thereafter help to whitewash, obfuscate and
> trivialise the incidents so that they can escape punishment.
> Regards,
> Marshall
> Ps:Pl watch the videos attached
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPu0r01wDlA
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLXVvTVMvCI
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQkzACYOYIA

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