----- Original Message -----
> On Fri, 6/5/15, Naz da Silva wrote:
>>  This opens our eyes to a deeper truth: that we are all made in the image of 
> our Creator. 
> -snip- 
>>  Basically, we are wired by our animal instincts to do only that which 
> pleasures us. 
>>  Science tells us that life begins from the moment of conception.  Who are 
> we to argue against scientific evidence!  

Science tells us no such thing regarding the moment of conception or being made 
in anybody's image. All cells of the body are living cells. The sperm and the 
ovum are also alive, and so are many of the cells of the body of a person for a 
while after he/she is declared clinically dead. With scientific technology 
available today many dividing cells of the body of an individual can be 
transformed into independently growing clones of that individual.

>From the scientific standpoint human beings were not made by anybody. They 
>evolved from ape-like ancestors, who in turn descended from a long series of 
>ancestral creatures beginning with single living cells. Life on earth is one 
>long continuum that began with these cells about 3.8 billion years ago. 

Science does not validate anybody's parochial religious or political beliefs, 
least of all the confused divisive right-wing views expressed in the above 



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