There was no doubt an error of judgment when the weeding machine operating
in the St. Inez creek was allowed to be overloaded and then turned turtle,
but leaving that aside, the city Mayor Mr. Surendra Furtado needs to be
complimented for initiating the creek cleanliness process through Corporate
funding. And Corporates like Alcon Anil Counto group, Vintage Hospital,
Archit Kenkre, Kamat real Estates, Fishermen Wharf, Dukle Constructions and
few more need to be commended for making the de-weeding exercise happen.
The St. Inez creek project has been part of the manifestos of various
political fronts/ CCP Panels since ages but sadly the progress has been far
from satisfactory. Without getting into political one-upmanship, the Panjim
MLA, Mayor & Government must now come together to fast track the creek
beautification and development. People have been hoping for this to happen
since long and with co-ordinated efforts, this can easily be turned into a
beautiful water body and an attractive tourist destination. Here’s wishing
the Mayor and the others who met with the mishap a speedy recovery.

warm regards,
Sandeep Heble

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