Keeping politics aside, Goa would be much better if we had dynamic people
like Elvis Gomes in the new Legislative Assembly. An ex senior bureaucrat
with a wide range of experience in governance, someone known for his
efficiency, toughness and quick decision making - what more could one ask?
I had the opportunity to interact with him on quite a few occasions,
particularly when he was the Executive Director in the Sports Authority of
Goa (SAG). The best thing about him was his direct approach, the ability to
grasp issues thoroughly and no dilly dallying on matters. Rarely would one
find files lingering in his office and he was always quick to clear them.
He was all for transparency and very supportive to bring Sports
Associations under the ambit of the RTI act. His works on prison reforms
are well known and need no further elaboration. He supported the cause for
construction of a Football stadium in Campal, one of the long standing
demands of Goa's football loving fraternity. In fact, Mr. Gomes was one of
the key officials, entrusted by the then CM Mr. Manohar. Parrikar, with the
job of putting the stadium plans and approvals in place. ( A state-of-the
art stadium is expected to come up in Campal in the near future). Elvis
Gomes took the brave decision of quitting his distinguished service to
enter politics. Whether he wins or not, time will tell but it takes a great
lot of courage to do that which we must respect . I sincerely hope a person
of his calibre who has served Goa for so many years does not become a
victim of political tussle or one- Upmanship and that the Government and
the ACB treats him fairly. May the truth prevail!

warm regards,
Sandeep Heble

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