Does one have to graduate from being a chaiwallah to a PM to get some kind
of a respect or recognition? Aren’t we a Nation of equals? This is not to
support any political party or individual or formation but just to express
disappointment over the sheer double standards that are visible on display
today. When a Modi or a Gadkari or a Rahul Gandhi come to campaign, they
become Modi-ji or Garkari-ji or a Rahul-ji and it then becomes a privilege
to post selfies with them or of their rallies in Social media. But when
ordinary people come from outstation to campaign, there is a big problem.
Why? Are these people lesser mortals? India is a Land where spiritual
leaders like Swami Vivekananda walked in simple clothing and captured the
imagination of the World. If the hostility to such ordinary people is just
to get into the good books of the high and the mighty and the powerful, it
is indeed sad. Has the Nation become so subservient to money and power that
it is losing its sense of ethics, direction and morality?

warm regards,
Sandeep Heble

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