
It is fairly obvious that Trump has all of the worst possible
character flaws that any human being can ever have. There are two nice
euphemistic Konknni words that best describe him - rostad and ordinar.
He is therefore also attractive to people who have similar attributes.
Unfortunately, such people succeed in dirty politics and privately
owned fraudulent businesses. Above all, he is a pathological liar as
Bernie Sanders never fails to mention. That is why those who believe
anything he says or promises are ignorant fools. But I believe he is
powerless in doing any major harm as a result of his ignorance and
mendacity. The system as a whole is too resilient. Here is a nice
editorial from Los Angeles Times:



Mervyn wrote:
>Santosh,dj Trump opened his Presidential record with his biggest embarrassment 
>After wailing for 7 years that they would repeal and replace Obamacare on day 
>one, the Republicans got together and gifted their fresh leader pie in the 
>face - as the Master negotiator could not put together a deal with members of 
>his >own party.
>By the time you read this, the lionhearted Chinese leader will have already 
>made a deal with Trump that is to Trump's advantage. Let me make this clear, 
>the Chinese have already gifted Trump licences that are very difficult to 
>obtain in >China and will offer him more goodies.
>Some in the US will believe Trump when he tweets that he got the best deal 
>with China :-)
>One thing that I give dj credit for is that he is unaware of how much money 
>the US owes China. I really am looking forward to seeing China explain to 
>Trump that the US economy will collapse if China refuses to finance US capital 
>>expenditure (or military adventures).

No offense meant. But let the chips fall where they may.

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