Goa prays for Manohar Parrikar

It takes a lot of will-power, commitment, dedication and love for the
homeland to do what Our Honorable Chief Minister has just done, heading
from the Lilawati hospital ICU to the Goa Assembly. This is the kind of
stuff which we might have watched in Stallone's Rambo or the Die Hard kind
of Hollywood movies.  Manohar Parrikar has shown once again why he is
regarded as one of Goa's tallest leaders and is loved by so many. Whatsapp
and Facebook were flowing with his pictures, videos and messages
demonstrating the kind of love and respect that Goa has for him. In his
budget speech, he was very graceful, humbly thanking all who stood and
prayed for him. Mr. Parrikar is no doubt a workaholic who enjoys working 16
-17 hours a day, but it is time he takes it a little easy. Goa needs him
now more than ever. Some much needed rest to get back to full fitness will
do him a load of good. In the history of Goan politics which has been
dominated by corruption, money and muscle power, Manohar Parrikar with his
charm, simplicity and work ethics has stood as the odd man out. Goa prays
for his speedy and complete recovery.

Sandeep Heble

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