The Country is presently witnessing a lot of Right wing activism which is a
root cause of polarization. Take the case of the Aligarh Muslim University
which was stormed recently and a former Vice President ridiculed, without
any provocation. This has led to an immediate polarization and ironically,
there is now a lot of "targeted" outrage against students of AMU who merely
shouted slogans in protest against the outright hooliganism.

No independent or neutral observer will say the AMU students have done
anything wrong in shouting slogans and there's nothing anti national about
it. Members of "Hindu Yuva Mahini" had no business to storm into their
University and create disturbances there. It is they who need to be
condemned and not the AMU students. This so called "nationalist" agenda of
trying to use extra constitutional methods to promote a particular kind of
ideology or right-wing politics is actually turning out to be the root
cause of division and is sowing the seeds of a divided India.

The Yogi Government must focus on giving his people good governance and
must not keep resorting to diversionary and divisive tactics like these
every now and then. Jinnah was conferred with Life membership of the
University and his portrait is hung there since 1938. What's the big deal
about it. It's part of India's history & heritage which cannot be erased.
So many portraits, statues, memorials and monuments are there of the
British, Portuguese, Mughals and so many other rulers. Should we start
demolishing them one by one? What kind of skewed logic is this and where
are we heading? One wonders how members of this group could muster the
courage to storm a University with guns in a State which only a short time
ago wanted us to believe how they had brought even the most hardened
criminals down to their knees through their "encounter policies"? Does it
not show collusion of the State & Police with them?

In Afghanistan the heritage "Buddha Bamiyan Statues" were demolished which
brought world wide condemnation. India is a much more vibrant democracy and
should not tread along this path. Such hard-line thought processes cannot
be allowed to be the norm in India and need to be nipped in the bud.
Intolerance needs to be universally condemned and should in no way be

Mark Twain had once called India "the birthplace of human speech, the
mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of
tradition". Let us keep it this way.

- regards,
Sandeep Heble

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