All this hullabaloo over the Delhi Archbishop's letter is rather
unfortunate. Is there a need for creating such a big controversy on
something so innocuous?  I had to read the letter a few times to find out
what was wrong in it, couldn't find anything. It's just a general advisory
asking the faithful to pray for a better Nation, that's all. Something so
routine you begin to wonder what this fuss is all about.  The Archbishop
has not pointed fingers at any political party nor has he anywhere said
that Political Party A is better than B or B is better than C. Those who
are pouncing on it need to be a lot more considerate. Such general advisory
letters are released quite routinely by so many religious institutions. Why
dissect every sentence and every word to give a different meaning than that
meant? We all know that politics in India is a not-so-clean game. So asking
the faithful to pray for a cleaner political environment, across the
political spectrum, is nothing wrong. Read the letter with positive spirit
and you will find a good message in it. India will grow better as a Nation
with more positivity.

- warm regards,
Sandeep Heble

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