On Saturday, the GOA is hosting the Reflections, celebrating 30 years of
the International Goan Convention. With the exception of Dr. Stella
Mascarenhas-Keyes and Prof Peter Nazareth, the others on the video
conference panel were present at the convention in 1988.
Wonder where Prof. Arthur Rubinoff is as his wife, Janet, will be one to be
interviewed. The biggest name on the panel is that of our DOTOR Frederick
Noronha and, if I remember correctly, he was present in spirit (ha, ha). I
am giving it a miss.
When I thought the International Goan Organisation (IGO) was "dead", I see
Cellie Gonsalves and Ludovic D'Souza going to speak on it. When I met
Cellie at Viva Goa and enquired about IGO, she made a sour face and said
she was active with the Canadian Goan Christian Group (CCCG), which had a
booth at Viva Goa. It was, I am told, founded by Rudy Fernandes. I believe
Cellie will talk on what the IGO did in the past, and reliably she's isn't
involved with it.
I feel this celebration of the big event is nothing a ego-boosting to the
then president Zulema D'Soua, who was also the president of the IGO after
it was formed. It's hosted by GOA, and I can understand why... her nephew,
Selwyn Collaco, is the president of GOA.
The GOA Facebook page says, "The Goan Overseas Association celebrates the
30th Anniversary of the International Goan Convention !! Join us on a
nostalgic journey - exhibits, musical interludes, inspiration dialogue etc.
Participate in an open discussion, exploring the challenges of today, and
the vision of tomorrow, facing the Goan Community !! Come and join us be
part of this great event !!"
I have been hearing this same old mantra, "challenges of today, and the
vision of tomorrow, facing the Goan Community". I don't see any challenges
to the community; it's under no threat. As a primary body for the Goans,
the GOA has been doing its job of having events for its members.
As for the vision of tomorrow, Goa alone knows where the Goan community
would go. I haven't seen the group of "young adults" who were active then
very active in the GOA of today. These must have grown up and have family
lives. I suppose the old ones are replaced by new ones, as one saw many
young volunteers at Viva Goa.
The Goan spirit will live on, and perhaps flourish. The community has
become big and I am surprised that the GOA membership was in decline. Now
that even seniors have to pay $20 for being member of the GOA, I have not
renewed my membership. I met one of the founders who is a senior and he too
says he too has let his membership lapse.
I gave my heart and soul for two years in the making of the International
Convention, having invited the keyote speaker, late Prof. George Moraes,
late Prof. Jose Pereira, and Dr. Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes. I got my
contacts in the travel industry to provide free tickets for Prof. Moraes
and Dr Mascarenhas-Keyes. Besides, Prof. Moraes was given accommodation
through the courtesy of Roque Barreto, and I had to request Roque to put up
Prof. Pereira after I was shocked he was put in the University hostel room
of Cliff Menezes, who was secretary of the Steering Committee. Prof.
Pereira hinted that he was uncomfortable  staying in a messy room.
When I think of the convention and how I was giving a raw deal and had to
quit the GOA but stayed put on the committee after pleading by Aloysius
Mathias, then VP, as to save GOA's face on the even of the Int'l
Convention. I joined the GOA only because Zulema invited me to be a part of
Zulema was giddy with the success of the convention. First, she said it was
her idea and later on she informed she borrowed from the Greeks, who had a
similar convention. The IGO was proposed by me at one of the meetings,
which were held at the late Fr. Terence D'Souza house (now a church). But
to deny me the credit, Aloysiys said "it came about", as if it fell from
the heavens. Shocked he isn't part of the celebrations.
Eugene Correia

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