Announcing a new project - GOENKARPORN - a tribute to the hardworking honest 
politicians and activists of Goa who have made Goa the shining beacon of 
deolopment for India and beyond.
A song with a video is planned. We invite entries for the lyrics of the 
masterpiece to-be celebrating our political and activist class. The 
requirements are:
- Lyrics to be in our mai-bhaas Konkani. Only Devanagari script will be 
accepted to satisfy Bharatiya Sanscruti and RSS demands.
- Words such as ghati, Delhi pigs, outsiders, bhaile, Bihari, bhaiyya, 
paan-spit, casino mafia, mining mafia, builder mafia are strictly prohibited. 
Mention of these groups fornicating with Goa will lead to summary rejection of 
the entry. We want to keep GOENKARPORN clean and family-friendly.
- The song must not violate the Indian Constitution (which no Indian, dead of 
alive, has ever read).
- Entries must be accompanied by two photos, your Adhaar card number, and a 
completed application form in triplicate.
The selected entry will be set to music and recorded in the sultry, 
Goenkarpornographic voice of Goa's internationally-known drama queen and 
nightingale who won the Best Singer Award from the Rotary Club of Ghatkopar (W).
GOENKARPORN - a celebration of the lovely PORN of GOEN and GOENKAARS.

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