First question, why was Teo contacted to talk abiut tge Convention? He wssn't 
present. I git hin to write a piece fir the souvenjr and ge then suggested I 
contact Fr. Claude Saldanha, whi wrote, Gia Then and Now.
If yiu check the souvenjr the name if Teo is missng on the article. He asked me 
and Inhad to tell him the story behind, and why I resigned as editor during the 
last stages of putting the souvenir. I was to,put hus name on the photo,mand 
had the strip of name printed. But things took a different turn. 
Such is the way, and I regret having wasted two years on getting the 
contributors, and composing the artiicles on typesetting machine and manually 
laying the pages. It saved GOA at least $3000.
I know who got Teo convinced to change his mind. 
However, the question remains as ti what Teo had to do with tge celebrations. 
It was to bem celebrate by GOA members, and oerhaps you as as "nobody" at the 
convention. Your brother, Peter, was very much involved.
Anyway, can we, those who didn't attend,  have the video conversations in 
either video or printed form? As I wrote before., what has been tge gain iof 
the Convention? The IGO birn iut of it is dormant if nit "dead." Maybe, you 
should revive it provided yiu can snatch its remmants from Zulema. 
True, GOA made histoy by having the Convention. That's all, but did it deserve 
celebratung it on its 30th anniversary? To me, some just wanted to be in the 


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> On Feb 25, 2019, at 7:13 PM, John Nazareth <> wrote:
> With respect to Eugene's question, I had written only part of a conversation 
> with Teotonio to make a particular point to Teotonio's credit.
> Eugene has a point, so I will expand on it.
> When my wife and I were on our way to meet Teotonio in Lisbon in 1999 I asked 
> her NOT to ask him why he left the priesthood. 
> When we finally met him, it was the first question she asked him.
> His answer was interesting. He said (I paraphrase): “If one talks against the 
> Trinity no one says anything. But if one raises issues against the Church, 
> you will feel its wrath.” 
> And then he added: “I served Jesus for 26 of the best years of my life. Jesus 
> will not forget me.”
> Amen
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Goanet [] On Behalf Of Eugene 
> Correia
> Sent: February 25, 2019 12:58 PM
> To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Late Dr. Teotónio de Souza
> Since John hasn't answered the question as to what he did for the First Int"l 
> Goan Convention, he has dodged it well. I am re-posting below how Teotonio 
> was persuaded to join the video interview after first declining it. I haven't 
> understood when John says, "True, Roland." Did John mean he played no role in 
> planning and hosting the Convention? However, he was in command of the 
> anniversary celebrations, and that takes the cake. Yes, "ajeeb" hai Uganda ke 
> log.
> ----
> Teo writes
> I am informed that the Goan community in Canada is planning to commemorate 
> 30th anniversary of its Toronto Convention of 1988 with an evening of 
> celebrations on Nov. 3. Among other items of the programme there is interest 
> in listening to Goan historians / academics by video chats. I have an 
> invitation to be a part of this item, but I had to decline to be true to my 
> sincere feelings.
> My reply to the rep of the subcommittee chairing the event was the
> following:
> "Dear John Nazareth
> But for your sporadic contact, Eugene Correia’s interventions on Goa Research 
> Net, and occasional postings of my cousin Archie Braganza on that same forum, 
> the Goan community in Canada is non-existent for me! Very sorry to say that.
> I remember having contributed a piece to the souvenir of your 1988 
> convention, and what I said in it remains valid and was reinforced in my 
> Afterword (pp 165-166) to my latest book “Goa outgrowing 
> Postcolonialism”(2014).
> Against this background please understand that I do not feel at all motivated 
> to send you a video chat as you request."
> I would add: Where are the new generations of Canadian Goans and what do they 
> feel and do for Goa they presumably cherish?
> Teotonio R. de Souza
> -----
> Eugene Correia
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 2:00 AM Eugene Correia <>
> wrote:
>> Why should have Dr. Teo tell him? That's personal and he was right to 
>> be evasive. Was John interviewing him on his personal life or in 
>> context of the 1st Int'l Goan Convention's 30th anniversary?
>> If John wants to know the answer, let him try the Superior-General of 
>> the Jesuits.
>> Let me ask John what he did in the planning and hosting of the Convention?
>> Eugene
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Feb 24, 2019, at 4:11 PM, Roland Francis 
>>> <>
>> wrote:
>>> John Nazareth wrote:
>>> When he was asked why he left the Jesuits, he said "I gave 26 of the
>> best years of my life to Jesus and He will not forget me." -- John 
>> Nazareth, Toronto, February 2019.
>>> Something’s missing somewhere. Teotonio’s answer did not address the
>> question.
>>> Roland.
>>> Toronto.

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