Dear Gilbert, since John explained that it was his wife who blurted out
the question, I can only see that she was "insensitive" and "ignorant" of Teo's 
To me, I don't see why Teo failed to answer because he would have to give  
details. I had lunch with him in Lisbon and duscuseed many issues, but I didn't 
think his leaving the Jesuits was "pertinent" to our talks.
If I wanted ti I could get the answer from other sources. If I wanted to do a 
media interview, I woukd be within my rights to ask. At the same time, Teo 
could evade the answer or give the same answer he gave to Jihn's wife.
i know of a Goan priest who us married and says Mass. However, he niw dies not 
belong to a Catholic church but a church called Catholic-Pritestant Church, 
though it is ironical. I went with him to where he said the Mass and was told 
that there are just 12 churches belonging to this branch of Christianity in the 
US. I didn't dare to ask him why he left the church he was ordained into.
However, to clarify it was St. Dominuc was instituted the Inquisition but SFX 
recommened its use from where he was, Mallaca. Writing from memory,  but am I 


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