I was born a Christian, and disowned it.
Now I am told by an eminent voice - you are a Hindu!

Not only am I a Hindu but so is every two-legged person in our country
- Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain. Everyone.

I was under the false impression I'm Indian.

Everyone assumes Hindu refers to a way of life, a culture, a land. Or
so I thought.

Another eminent voice claims the world envies us as we are spiritual. Really?

News to me.

We have yoga no doubt but has it made us less corrupt and violent?

Is our country the least corrupt in the world or are we way down in
the staircase to heaven?

And while Mahavira emphasized ahimsa and non-violence our greatest
epics, the Mahabaratha and Ramayana are war stories.

If the Aryan invasion has been demolished as a myth who exactly were
we fighting? I have no idea.

Maybe we were fighting among ourselves?

One eminent voice informs us how important it is for us to be grateful
to our freedom fighters.

They fought the Portuguese who finally had their tails between their
legs as they escaped homeward hastily.

And, since then, we have lived happily ever after, right?

Not really because we are constantly fighting among ourselves and our
politicians are worse.

They jump ship whenever it is a good move, from one party to another,
having fun and getting much richer along the way.

No principles - only respect for money and power, with no thought for
our country, India.

No friends or enemies in politics, right?

When will this never-ending war of stabbing one another in the back
for personal gain come to an end - and the country can go to hell?

We are, no doubt, all staunch nationalists but will the betrayal of
our country and lack of respect for an individual's freedom ever end?

We have all witnessed a decrease in personal freedom and safety during
our lifetime.

Is yoga helping us become a better people, more aware? The whole world
is envious of us?

A big loud eminent voice tells us our country was peaceful for
millennia prior to the coming of the barbarians from beyond our

He says it was because the caste system was strong and we need to
strengthen it once again, otherwise our country will become evil like
the Western countries.

Maybe we could keep the peace because it was clear who was
the dog, and who was the dog's master.

The dog, as we know, was the one who had done evil in his previous
life and deserved to suffer in this one. Simple, isn't it?

What crime did the first generation commit, a few people would like to know!

The real problem, a hoarse eminent voice says, is being told what you
can eat, how you should dress or not dress.

Women should know their proper place it goes without saying - and it
is five steps behind her husband. She should always obey her husband's

The ultimate big and booming eminent voice declared our culture is
decadent because of bad British, Portuguese, and French influence on

We are a spiritual country and have always been this way, says the
loudest eminent voice which drowns all other voices.

I'm sure you have heard and seen it all on TV. Enjoy the show!

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