Beyond the Grave
Looking back at: Evolution and Devolution?

For the week which passed (17/7/21-14) when I was alive on Planet Earth.

What a shock - and pleasant surprise - it was to learn how cows in Goa
are evolving and are now eating fish and other edibles.

I had given up on Goan cows as I’ve seen them eat plastic. I guess
they were real hungry and necessity makes cows (and people) behave in
strange ways. All the same, it is good to see how our cows are

A few months back I had seen cows eating plastic - single use
throwaway plastic bags - and was sad and depressed - and on the verge
of committing suicide.

How can we treat our most sacred animal in this way?

I started to think it is the government’s policy and strategy to solve
the plastic waste problem in this way.

And, while Goan cows are evolving, are our Goan politicians devolving?

What made me think it was the government’s policy is this piece of raw
news: the government wants to fill the excavated mining holes with

Fortunately, the government has been stopped!

If the government thinks it can solve the garbage problem in this way,
isn’t it natural for anyone (including me) to think the government
might want to solve the plastic garbage problem by having our cows eat
all the plastic waste in Goa?

Goan politicians have a strange way of solving problems. They
improvise rather than have a proper policy which they can implement
methodically; no application of mind - is it because they have none?

Rather than clean up the River Mandovi (our Mother) which the late
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said is - unsafe and dangerous - what
do the devolving Goan politicians want to do about our Mother?

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had warned people not to swim in the
Mandovi River; if they did they would fall very sick, he had warned.

Is this the way to treat our Mother?

Will our devolving Goan politicians solve the problem of our polluted
rivers by desilting the river and dumping the polluted river water
along with its raw sewage into the sea?

Will the casinos, hotels and households continue to release raw sewage
and pollute the river and sea for the next 20 years until it is time
once again for another emergency operation?

Union Minister Goyal claims people are against development.  Really?

Sadly, he cannot see how it is the government which is the greatest
blockade to development.

The Regional Plan is a mess, and no prizes for guessing who is to blame!

The shacks on the beaches are now having to pay through their noses
for the government’s incompetency, and delay in starting the shacks.

When will the shacks open for business? These are a couple of examples
of blunders (not mistakes) of our Goan politician’s devolving

The courts step in from time to time to remind our politicians there
are laws in the country which have to be followed and cannot be
flouted simply because politicians are in the seat of power.

Power has to be used within the law and not misused - otherwise the
courts will stop everything because the devolving Goan politician is
now drunk on power - a most dangerous and  destructive drug!

In the next elections, will we have no choice but to vote for cows?

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