Absolutely well described.
Bernice Pereira

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> On 21-Feb-2020, at 10:41 AM, Joao Barros-Pereira <prakashlamani...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Goa’s tourism is already in the doldrums and appears to be heading
> towards a final exit.
> The latest proposal of the government is to create ‘drinking zones’ on
> the beaches when an already unmanageable problem exists of unruly
> tourists drinking on the beaches, getting drunk and refusing to listen
> to the cautionary advice of the lifeguards who are understaffed and,
> as a result, unable to save lives.
> Why add fuel to fire?
> As tourism is down even by our government’s own admission, the shack
> owners are struggling to make ends meet as they have to pay a hefty
> fee for rental of their shacks in addition to an excise tax.
> Will they smile and applaud the government’s plan to have ‘drinking
> zones’ not too far from the shacks where tourists, eat, drink and make
> merry?
> A lot of beaches also have 5-star tourist tanning themselves on the
> beaches and who want peace and quiet, a dream holiday and getaway from
> the hectic pace of life in their home countries.
> Will they welcome the noisy Indian holiday makers from other states
> shrieking on the beaches high on alcohol? Is this good for the 5-star
> hotel business?
> With no toilets for workers of beach shacks, noisy and drunk tourists
> screaming and dancing in the ‘drinking zones’ what is the message of
> the government?
> Is this a way to end tourism in Goa? I hope not.

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