Goa - a global music hub!Musicians from every corner of the world have been 
landing up and performing in Goa ever since a paradise called Goa was 
discovered on planet Earth. Many of them choose to leave their luxurious 
lifestyles back home to enjoy the simple ‘susegaad’ lifestyle that Goa is known 
for. The people’s warmth and hospitality radiates even brighter than the Sun. 
Goa is a tourist destination not just for it’s beaches and scenic beauty, it is 
a live music haven too. Hundreds of live music venues dot every tourist belt 
across Goa. If a census is done, Goa may emerge as a place with the most live 
music venues in the world. Small wonder then, why so many musicians from all 
over the world choose to make Goa their second home, some of them even setting 
up a permanent home in Goa. 
Having international musicians perform alongside local artistes has raised the 
entertainment bar in Goa, often resulting in world-class acts at even low 
profile venues. One great place to actually be a part of this global melting 
pot is the seasonal Saturday Night Market at Arpora. Thousands of local and 
international visitors  are entertained by a series of acts that change by the 
hour. A big stage/sound/light set-up keeps every performer in the spotlight. 
What started as a small flea market evolved into a mind boggling event with 
thousands of stalls catering to the whole world actually. Goa has always been 
all about the ‘vibe’. You feel it loud and clear at places like the Saturday 
Night Market.
Jazz Goa is a  platform for visiting artistes, having recorded and hosted shows 
for many of them. The music produced in collaboration with local artistes meets 
international standards. It is available to be enjoyed by all through the Jazz 
Goa app that can be downloaded for free at www.jazzgoa.com

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