Every issues of Goanet carries one or two articles by this ADVOCATE. The
Subject Matter is Always in CAPS....so one loses sense as to what is
important and what is trival like the pot holes near the bus stand Some are
even addressed to the Chief Justice, the Governor etc etc.No doubt some of
his items of concern are Genuine like Corruption  etc.
I am wondering in writing
First Does the Chief Minister, or for that Matter Prime Minister read Goa
net to be informed .
Secondly My attention was drawn to the fact that a young Goan girl and her
White American decided to  draw placards ...saying the wanted Hilary
Clinton to be the next President ..The US was not ready for it ...The small
girls demonstrated that they could be bold and militant but change will
eventually come ...The girls will soon go to High School, and has done
exceptionally well ...she obviously made her point and went on with her
normal life ....Has not made up her mind whether she wants to be a bra
scientist or pursue a musical career. In the same way it is Upiopian to
expect Goaland to be corruption Free
Thirdly: If I want to bring change its best to bounce ideas with friends
and neighbours and then take direct action address a letter to the Chairman
of the University, the Minister of education ...the results can be
amazing...you simply do not draw attention to yourself or  embarass the
Minister of the Environment , or the PWD etc etc
Soon it will be MAY DAY ...A Public Holiday Sommunist and Cathholic
Countries will be United ...St Josephs is a Patron Saint of Workers,
Carpenters etc

So  PEACE and Good Will ..I hope that this email will not bounce back

Grandolfo In
Really Cool Makongo Juu Tem 24 degreesMisty

  are now in hig re will be corruption  ..sohool carrying cla ccarry out a
demonstration in friends all in

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