Dear Sir/ Madam

I’m Frazer Andrade, a native Goan youth, and pharmacist by profession. I
have completed my post graduation at  the Goa College of Pharmacy in 2020.
I am native to Ambajim, Margao, Goa and a parishioner of the Holy Spirit
Church in Margao.
It hurts me a lot to see our identity being sold off to others. Our
artifacts are being bought by people to whom these things are of no
relevance, other than just their materialistic value.
Looking at this, I somewhere felt that, it is my duty to care for our
ancestral wealth, and hence I began preserving anything and everything
belonging to Goa, and that formed a part of her rich heritage. I also
started collecting and preserving old DISCARDED Christian articles from
Goa, which were done away with, to make space for new modern religious
icons/statues /oratories etc.
Several of months ago, during my visit to Cuncolim, a village  in South
Goa, I witnessed a family, burning old wooden religious statues from their
oratory (a traditional practice of doing away with unwanted/ damaged
sacramentals), in order to make place for modern statues. It was indeed a
heart aching experience for me where I was absolutely helpless, while I
looked at living icons of faith being turned to ashes right in front of me.
Only if I had reached the site a little early, maybe I could have saved
these sacred pieces of history for posterity.
Many a times people give away their unwanted old sacred images to churches
where they are generally discarded appropriately. I would like to humbly
request all the parishes / families across Goa, not to discard any of your
old belongings. Also if you ever come across anyone who has any old
religious articles or any other old household articles, who are wanting to
do away with them, to make place for new modern ones, please share with
them my contact details. They could hand them over to me and I promise I
shall save them and preserve them with due respect and with a grateful
heart for the sake of our future generations yet to come.
I hope that you will help me in preserving our past for the future. PLEASE
NOTE: I do not have any intensions of selling of these articles and
entering into trade of such artifacts. My only motto is to be able to
preserve these things for posterity. That is all.
I would like to acknowledge all those who have offered me a lot of the
objects I have saved and also those who have helped me in other ways to
save our past for the future. Do help me in saving whatever remains from
the past, for the future generations to witness and experience ! I strongly
feel that it is my duty as a son of Goa, to be there for her when She is in
need of me. Thank you so much!
Do share this appeal with family and friends
Dev borem korum.

Frazer Andrade
Whatsapp on: 7057704853
Call on: 7498170127

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