To Goanet -

I read that Dr. Oscar Rebello, Convener of the GBA, has declared
publicly that ghatis are not a threat to Goa.  I wonder how the good
doctor arrived at this verdict.  It couldn't have been through arithmetic,
for simple counting and elementary induction would settle the matter
decisively - restrict yourself to a couple of districts of Karnataka only,
and do the numbers.  I am, of course, assuming the doctor is adept
at punching positive integers on his calculator.  It  couldn't have
come through simple observation either, for a leisurely early morning
or evening stroll in Panjim furnishes enough data on the ghati's
insalubrious habits and behavior.  I am, of course, assuming that
the doctor arrives at his conclusions on the basis of available
evidence, although this assumption is not to be taken for granted
even in men of science, as Bertrand Russell cautioned us long ago.

Now, the Marxists would be expected to be defenders of ghatis - they
will prop any force that brings darkness on comfortable, civilized
and clean living.  The "human rights" NGOs, on the other hand,
hold true the axiom that the poor are "simple" "honest" and "good"
souls, whereas all you folk who have beer and xacuti every day
are the exact opposite, exploiters of the downtrodden, without a
compassionate bone in your anatomy.  According to them, all
the rights are vested in only the poor, you are out of luck.  But
we know that the good doctor is not a card carrying member
of either the Marxist swines or the NGO swamps.  And it is
plausible that he is not shilling for either the Kangress or
the BJP.

On what basis, then, has Dr. Rebello declared that "ghatis are not
a threat to Goa"?

Needless to say, here we are not talking about the jihadi "threat."
Surely there must be stray elements in the incoming ghati hordes
that would make for promising jihadi material but one conjectures
the majority is not of that persuasion.  So, would Dr. Rebello shed
some light on his puzzling pronouncement?

For my part I am convinced, and I have stated it here some weeks
ago in a series of postings - ghatis present a major threat to Goa as
we know it and our way of life.  The question is whether the Goans
(minus Dr. Rebello and the NGO madams) want to do something

about it now, or wait until ghati bowels come within touching
distance of your compound wall.

Warm regards,


ps:  The walls of Junta House now represent a gallery of
ghati gutka fine art.

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