Dear Miguel,
I am not sure what the delineation of interest is towards Romi in the
Saraswat community. Are the educators, scientists, doctors, and those
of the highly logical spectrum, comfortable with giving it
consideration, or do they not care a whit? Are the ones who got their
jobs on account of their Nagari credentials still harboring
antipathies towards Romi? Is there anyone of any significance who is
comfortable with having Romi accorded any respect. Or is it kaam zalem
voiz melo syndrome? Is there no one? I know it sounds like I am asking
this question in a wind tunnel. But is there an abject paucity of
witnesses here?

As a cohesive social group. the Saraswats through the centuries  have
striven towards attaining and obtaining the best, considering their
pointed acumen  and perseverance in all matters concerning
opportunity, business and scholarship. However, quite often those who
are successful and of acute intelligence, tend to leave their flanks
uncovered; perhaps out of sheer confidence or an inability to imagine
they could be surprised. In India, this is particularly striking among
those who have taken their measures of modernity and its possibilities
to their heads; seeing that it suits them rather well. So for the
present, the script issue does not bother the movers and shakers,
whereas the others who are not part of the elite among the same, are
simply minding their business. As high achievers, they have divined,
that the Antruzian folks have little on them beautiful people. Recent
modernity in a nutshell, with a slice of good old feudalism. This is a
prerogative of those who shape the corridors of feudal rectitude,
turning them into labyrinths of power politics. Many Christians too
are only happy to be accepted and garlanded as lost wayward siblings
-- who have not culturally strayed too far; other than by eating of
the abominable choris pau. And occasionally prattling the ta, tha, ti,
thi, tu, thu, the, thai, tho, tau/thau, etc., while quizzically
contemplating when to resort to the long or short u/uu. For those of
us who know the Nagari in its specificifies, the Romi still
contributes to making the Konkani firmament more complete.

As a group they have great faculties for observation, and a phenomenal
talent for collective dialectics. But anticipating change is a whole
different matter. It is the weakest thinkers (usually the politicians)
in terms of ideas, among any community who take the strongest, to the
pastures that precipitately slope over linguistic cliffs. At some
point in the bewitchment the view get clearer as one is in free fall.
I do hope that behind the scenes the good ones among our brethern will
broach this topic with the fearless leaders. If for no other reason
than for resaons of self love as opposed to self hatred, to increase
financial potential and as smart politics. Goa neds smart investments
andfor those with capital Romi affords a host of possibilities.***

You also raised two pertinent thoughts -- the first one on knowing!
Know thyself -- but what can be worse than someone else knowing your
mind. That is pure nakedness of being. I lived in the midst of a Hindu
family, for about five years. This was but one strand in a critical
part of in my development, with the religion, social and cultural
mores of my ancestors.  Basically, I learnt a lot about people and the
dynamics of protecting ones interests. Secondly, people have to
understand that if an independent MLA could be so influential in 1987,
it also means that other independent MLAs or those with some spine
could up the ante. But I presume, its easier to stay as milquetoasts,
or simply as nankatais.

*** I came across this historical piece by Teotonio R. de Souza. It
contains the kind of information that all should become familiar with.
I mean all Goans -- Hindus, Christians. Muslims, Sikhs, and martians
when they land in Goa. It is related to entrepreneurship, and has much
relevance to us today. This piece is something that Hindus should see
as extolling their positives -- in addition to their ability to thrive
in any circumstance, and for Christians to consider future
possibilities in growth by dropping their laissez-faire attitude. And
pass the message on so all may share in what Goa can still be for all
of us, and not just for the smooth skinned, beautiful people.


Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Their students know the mind of the Saraswat Hindu better. This will
> be their undoing.
> He who sows the wind ...will reap a whirlwind. Can you hear it coming?
> It will not matter to Adv. Uday Bhembre: he will have gone to seed by
> the time the storm takes its toll.

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