On 26/10/2007, Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let us hope that the perpertrators of this and other crimes may get
> the help they need rather than the wrath of the holier among us

I agree with Kevin. It's very easy to sit in judgement on others. Yet
even Christ opted not to do it with a Magdalene. While not trying to
minimise the need for each of us to take responsibility for our
actions, or even the serious harm this will have on the young victims,
issues of sex-crimes need to be studied more closely before we come
down in judgement.

The seriousness of this issue first struck me when attempting, some
years ago, a fellowship looking at  gender and the media. Goa has so
many "incomplete" families -- because of largely male out-migration,
and male in-migration. How do people cope with their pent-up
sexuality? Marriages are getting delayed in Goa (women marry at the
average age of 25+) and as women get more highly educated, they
sometimes find it difficult to find a suitable match. Divorce rates
are growing, yet it does not have the social acceptability available
say in the West.

Apart from migration, the speedy decline of traditional values (I'm
not suggesting these were good, ideal or healthy ... just that they
worked for their time) and also the sexualisation of every aspect of
society (try reading a popular magazine on health, the Times of India,
or Herald's Page 7 and you might agree)

Goa doesn't quite yet work in tandem with Western styles of coping,
while at the same time it faces pressures closer to Western levels (as
do many parts of urban India, and hence sex-crimes are showing a sharp
increase there too). In the space of a decade-and-half, the Indian
mindset and sexuality too has come under attitudes of liberalisation,
even as many struggle to cope with the fast-pace of change.

Both the persons accused, perhaps not coincidentally, are in their
'forties.  While I sometimes myself joke about mid-life crises, the
fact is that our societies fail to understand the seriousness of the
issues involved. I think we need to all be searching for issues and
answers here. FN.
  • Re... Kevin Saldanha
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

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