--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hitchens' response doesn't cut it because it accepts
> the false premise of his opponent that the only God
> that counts as the real God is the particular one
> that
> he worships. 

I think you are mixing up Hitchens with Gilbert.
Gilbert who has been consistently donating blood
obviously has had the circulation to his brain cut off
from this activity :-) Hitch, on the other hand,
doesn't suffer from a "real God" syndrome.

You've missed the point of both the question and the
response. The Fijian man was postulating that the
arrival of Christianity has had a civilising effect on
his society (which it might well have had, at least
through the prism of his own eye). He has assumed this
to mean that ergo Christianity is the "real religion".
Hitchen's response was that had Christianity been a
"divine" religion, it's dissemination would have been
earlier and, more evenly and simultaneously spread
across the world.

A more fitting response would have been Frazer's
viewpoint that anthropologically speaking, evidence
points to the fact that all societies evolve to arrive
at the same moral values. Some just take a lot longer.
The Fijians would ultimately stop using human flesh as
canapes before dinner, even without the help of
interventionist missionaries. 

This being a debate, perhaps it's hard to come up with
good responses thinking on your feet as it were,
whiskey glass in hand.


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