I too visited Cuba and found much to commend about it---but then, I am a 
left-winger. But I also believe in criticising things too. For example, I was 
genuinly surprised that there was so little public transport by way of bus 
provision across the main cities and people would wait for anything like three 
or more ours to travel between destinations with which I became familiar. Yes, 
I know about the famed health service and Cuba's offer, including to the USA in 
a crisis but I wish there were more buses! As I happened to travel by private 
taxi all over, and there always was spare capacity, I instructed each driver to 
pick up passengers en route and drop them appropriately. Such people were most 
grateful to a tourist like me and I wish they did not have to rely on my kind 
of 'charity and generosity'. 
  Just one small other point, I noted how much Cuba was like the Soviet Union 
that I had driven around for three weeks in 1968 including the distinctive 
smell of the petrol and the rationing system for petrol as well as the 
friendliness of the people. As to the health system in America, I can't wait 
for Hillary to make it.
Hi Cornel,
One of the first thing I noticed in Cuba was that the "buses" were converted 
Russian SAM transporters. The ordinary Cubans were benefiting from collapse of 
the cold war (at last).  I once worked for a military contractor in Tanzania. 
We built shelters for the SAM transporters. At the time, the Russian Colonels 
did not let us get closer than ten feet to the vehicles. Those "state secrets" 
now operate as buses in Cuba. You may have noticed that it is customary for 
Cubans to line up on the roadside looking for a ride to work. Any truck that is 
going empty will stop and people climb into the truck for a free ride. Unlike 
their neighbours, Cubans have no fear that the truck drivers or anyone else 
will molest them. While transport services may be of laughable standards 
compared to the western world, I feel the real measure of their standards is to 
compare them to other islands in the Caribbean, much in the same way that one 
does not compare the standards in
 Goa to the west but rather to the neighbouring states in India.
I spent some time in the good ol' USSR in 1984/85. During that period, two or 
three Soviet leaders died and everyone in the USSR was unsure of what was going 
on until the official announcement a few days later. I took a flight from the 
USSR to India. When I arrived in Delhi, the immigration officer told me that 
since I held a foreign passport, he would not allow me out of the airport. I 
had previously told him I was planning on visiting the Taj Mahal and then 
proceeding to Goa by train. When I asked him why he would not let me out, he 
told me that Indira Gandhi had been shot a few days earlier and that Hindus 
were still stopping trains and killing Sikhs and vice-versa. One thing 
communism has achieved in Cuba is that it has almost wiped out religious and 
racial discrimination. Another thing that communism has achieved there is 
Cuba's medical services. Countries that provide free medical services that are 
better than Cuba's can be counted on the fingers
 of one hand.
As far as Hilary is concerned, if she is elected into power, I will be shorting 
all the HMO's. When Bush 43 was elected, I switched my entire hign risk 
portfolio to oil stocks. When the US invaded Iraq, I added the arms 
manufactures to my portfolio. When Bush and co decided to stop publishing the 
amount of money they were printing, I shorted the US dollar. As you can guess, 
there is a lot of money to be made on the outcome of US politics.
Coming back to Macacas, I read that the Deputy Mayor of New Delhi got killed by 
a Macaca attack last month. Apparently, large groups now live in New Delhi. The 
Deputy Mayor was trying to flee an attack by the monkeys in his home when he 
slipped and fell two stories. Maybe Rajan is right, a six lane highway will 
only make it easier for the inhabitants of the less developed areas to arrive 
in and destroy the current way of life of Goa's residents ;-)

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