if u cant see his pic, pl clik on abv.
Dear Sanny de Quepem,
I did not know about your tiatr work until I read an article on you (see a link
I also saw you for the first time  today -thanks to Sylvester Vaz
I think I first met you on the Goanet somewhere in Sept 2005 in your article
'KHUIM MEVOT MOJEM BHURGHEPONN? to which I promptly responded see link below.
Recently, you were so popular on the net (on various groups & goanet).
Your catchy subject lines always made us to read your news and sometime with
your comments on it.
You were a true Konkani lover.
Only yesterday you were there live and kicking but today left for heavenly
The killer  massive cardiac arrest took you away almost instantly.
Here is what your colleague Sylvester says..
Dear Joe,
Tiatr fraternity in Kuwait is in deep shock at the sad passing away of our
Tiatrist Friend Sanny de Quepem.
FYI: he performed yesterday, along with us in the cultural Programme at the GOA
DAY organised by Goa Welfare Society,Kuwait and sang a Konkani Solo.
Later in the evening he developed complications and is believed to have
suffered a massive heart attack and was declared dead at the Hospital.
He was a good composer and singer and was a regular contributor on Net.
We will miss him

Adieus, Sanny de Quepem
May God grant you His eternal peace
My heartfelt sympathies to your family
your Part I & II on ...Bhurgheponn
pl read more about SDQ

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