I know it is a burdensome chore to continue doing what you are doing--chronicling the devastation taking place in Goa and I can appreciate your expression of disgust and helplessness! And I have also noticed some sniping at you from the usual suspects! As I have said before, you are doing more than is expected of any normal human being.. But perhaps others on Goanet and in Goa who have the time, the inclination and love for their land, can give you an assist. Lots of Goenkars on this forum have expressed their pain and have felt their impotence and frustration in not being able to do anything. But I am sure a lot of them would come forward with financial wherewithal if there was someone to be a torchbearer. I, for one, pledge to contribute generously. I realize it is a heavy burden to bear--but if you show willingness and are able to put together a team of professionals, environmentalists, lawyers, etc.to stand up to the predators, I feel confident that many of us in the diaspora would come forward to put up a fight. It is certainly worth the effort!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 8:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Horror in Paithona

To Goanet -

I have been taking morning drives through Goan
villages these past few days.  Today I came upon this
heinous sight in Paithona - a large wooded area
cleared for pouring concrete -



This violence has effectively finished off the serene,
beautiful village of Paithona, and the assassins are
Chowgule Real Estate & Constructions.

I have said this before: saving Goa is an unequal
fight, between part-time do-gooders and full-time
criminals.  By the time the claque of poseurs comprising
the Task Force for RP 2021 finishes its charade there
won't be much left to save.  I don't know why I even
bother posting these pictures anymore.

Warm regards,


ps: Aldeia de Goa has advertisements on the front page
of Navhind Times today.

pps: Villas for "NRIs Only" soon coming up at Dona Paula.

ppps:  Dear Goans, get ready for that jump en masse into
the Arabian Sea.

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