Seminar on NRI Goan Issues - A Report
The NRI delegation from Goa, headed by Honorable Commissioner for NRI Affairs, 
Government of Goa , Shri Eduardo Faleiro, attended along with other members of 
the visiting delegation, Vice Admiral John C. D'Silva, Chairman, Overseas 
Employment Agency of Goa, Shri Ullas D. Kamat, Director of NRI Affairs and Ms. 
Sabina Martins, President of the 'Bailancho Saad' organization of Goa, the 
Seminar on NRI Goan issues, which was held at Carlton Towers Hotel on 6th 
November, 2007 between 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. H.E. the Ambassador of India to 
Kuwait, M. Ganapathi, and other dignitaries from the Embassy of India, Kuwait 
also graced the occasion by their distinguished presence amidts a fairly large 
gathering of Goans. The proceeding of the Seminar were conducted by Mr. Wilson 
Coelho, President of the Goan Welfare Society - Kuwait, on behalf of the 
organising committee, comprising of other Goan Clubs/organizations.  He 
introduced each of the dignitaties on the dais and highlighted their crede
Shri Eduardo Faleiro, Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Goa, spoke of the 
achievements of the Commission, from the time of its establishment and till 
date. He also highlighted the various NRI Issues that were addressed from time 
to time for the benefit of the NRI Goans and the results that emerged 
consequent to the work of the Commission. He urged the Goans present at this 
seminar to present their issues, preferable in writing, so that he could study 
the same and take appropriate steps for redressal of the isssues raised, on his 
return to Goa.
H.E. the Ambassador of India, M. Ganapathi, in his address welcomed Shri 
Faleiro and the delegation to Kuwait and stated that Shri Faleiro, whom he knew 
well when the later was a Union Minister in the Government of India, for 
several years. He went on to state that Shri Faleiro was a committed leader and 
was passionate about serving his people with utmost devotion and dedication and 
that the Goans were fortunate to have such a leader at the helm of affairs to 
address the NRI Goan issues. He praised the manner in which he was welcomed and 
was pleased at the way the seminar was conducted. Stressing on the need to stay 
united, while in a foreign country, he said much could be achieved unitedly and 
encouraged all Goans to forge unity at all times.
The Director of NRI Affairs, Goa, Shri Ullas D. Kamat, presented a detailed 
report of activities taken up by the Commissioner's office and their 
achievements. He also distributed Report of the Global Goans Covention held 
between 3-5 January, 2007 in Goa along with a CD on Goan music entitled 'DAIZ', 
a collection of authentic Goan music. In his address he has welcomed all NRI 
Goans to send their issues to the Commissioner's office and assured that he 
would personally ensure that each of the issues will get due attention from his 
Mr. John C. D'Silva, Chairman of the Overseas Employment Agency of Goa, spoke 
about the purpose of establishing this Agency for the benefit of Goan Youth who 
seek jobs abroad. He said that the Agency also conducts training and gives 
guidance in line with their policy. He contented that Goans abroad, who are in 
a position to help fellow Goans back home, in finding suitable jobs should 
recommend the Employment Agency of Goa and that from his side he would provide 
the required candidates, wherever possible.
Thereafter, Ms. Sabina Martins, President of 'Bailancho Saad', spoke about the 
purpose of her visit to Kuwait and explained how her organisation works for the 
protection of the rights of women worldwide. She highlighted the work 
undertaken by their organization for the alleviation of the hardships faced by 
women due to various social causes. She has appealed to Goon organizations to 
help her in her cause by registering as volunteers.
Several questions on varied Goon issues were put forward to the Commissioner of 
NRI Affairs and he has assured that he would look into each case and try to 
find suitable solutions and communicate with them the status after taking up 
the matters with the concerned authorities. Towards the end there was a musical 
performance by Aggie - The One Man Band, backed up by sound system provided by 
Rupert D'Costa, together they entertained the delegates while refreshments and 
snacks were served.
The Seminar on NRI Goan Issues was sponsored by WESTERN UNION Money Transfer, 
who incidentally are also the sponsors of Goa Day 2007 to be held on 9th 
November, 2007 at the India Community School, Salmiya, Kuwait.
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