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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Dear Sebastain,

You sign off the above article with "Sotachench Zoit
Zatolem", zalear sang maka tum "Fottkireank" kiteak
sangat dita tho"

Sot zaun asa hem; Nadd-buddi korun "Devanagri" utor
Goemchi Official Language Act'ant ghatle anik "Romi"
lipik konxeak marli. Konkani raj bhas korunk romivaddi
zuzle anik teag kele ani tannim kirlailolim zaddache
follam kaum boltech gele.

Hem zaun asa sot Mr. Sabestain.


--- Sebastian Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****
> Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha
> in Portugal - Nov 27/07
>                      http://tinyurl.com/2dk2bl
>                      http://tinyurl.com/29kpdx
> Mogall Miguel bab,
> On  Mon, 26 Nov 2007, you wrote:
> << Let us TOGETHER demand that the relevant
> amendment
> to REPLACE the word "Devanagri"  with the word
> "Roman"
> in the Official Language Act, 1987 during the winter
> session of the Goa Legislative Assembly.>>
> My response:
> Had there been a prize for the champion “jumper to
> unwarranted conclusions” you would have won it hands
> down.  Sample some of your feats of just the past
> two
> weeks:
> 1. The KBM mentions the words “Romi Konkani” in its
> press release regarding a workshop for budding
> Konkani
> writers in Roman script.  Ergo, you scream: <<KBM
> MALICIOUSLY uses the phrase "Romi Konknni">> (15
> Nov/11).  And this expression is something the group
> you have been rooting for has been using day in and
> day out for the last two years and more; but you
> never
> ever noticed.  But when you noticed the letters
> “KBM,”
> immediately you saw malice.  By the way, I attended
> the function held to release Marcos Gonsalves’
> “Konnsam” at Margao Residency on the evening of
> Sunday, 25 Nov.  (The function concluded the
> “publisher’s shibir” for budding Konkani writers in
> Roman script that was held during the day at the
> same
> venue.) Tomazinho Cardoso, who released the book,
> used
> the expression “Romi Konknni” several times during
> his
> short speech.  So did Agnelo Alcasoas and Michael
> Gracias in theirs.  This only means that you have
> not
> succeeded in educating even your cronies on the
> MALICIOUS connotations of this expression.  Unless,
> of
> course, these worthies too bear malice towards
> Konkani
> in Roman script! 
> 2.  You found that, at the Condolence Meeting held
> in
> Panaji to mourn the late revered Fr. Moreno, some
> persons whom you expected to attend were missing. 
> Ergo, you say that they BOYCOTTED the meeting. (25
> Nov) Have you ever heard of anyone boycotting a
> condolence meeting before this?  I haven’t.  And why
> should anyone boycott a condolence meeting?  A
> boycott
> is essentially used to record protest, resentment
> or,
> at least, displeasure; and one generally announces
> this or at least tells some people; without this
> formality, the boycott becomes meaningless.  Did
> anyone who, according to you, is supposed to have
> boycotted the meeting tell you that he/she/they had
> boycotted it, whether before or after the meeting? 
> Else, how did you jump to this conclusion?  And why
> would anyone even think of boycotting the Condolence
> Meeting for a saintly (even if senile in your
> reckoning!) priest like Fr. Moreno?  Even sworn
> enemies don’t do that.
> 3.  The Condolence meeting on 24 Nov. ORGANIZED by
> “Konknni Ekvott” was HELD at KBM School Hall.  The
> reason for choosing this inconvenient venue was that
> the Margao Municipal Hall is closed for
> repairs/renovation and hence not available. But you
> jump to the conclusion that it was KBM that
> this meeting (25 Nov).  You further propose that the
> reasons for converting a workshop into a seminar be
> Miguel
> bab, is your head in the right place?  Are such
> issues
> or anything for that matter, ever DISCUSSED during a
> Condolence meeting? 
> 4.  And now, you have jumped to a gem of a
> conclusion.
>  I said this proposition is at least A rational one,
> and not THE rational one.  And you jump to the
> conclusion that I support that proposition!  All I
> meant is that this proposition is rational compared
> to
> the stupidity that you have been pursuing for the
> last
> few years.  Was the meaning so difficult to discern?
> Or is this too much to ask of a columnist writing
> exclusively for English readership?  Actually, I
> wanted to say that the proposition is at least LESS
> STUPID.  But I refrained from saying so because I
> did
> not want to ruffle your feathers further.  Now I
> realize that it is always better to call a spade a
> spade; saves a lot of explanation later.  Perhaps, I
> should have been more elaborate.  But I had to rush
> to
> the publication function mentioned above (and I
> reached a bit late, anyway); hence the one-liner
> post.
>      But jumping to an unwarranted conclusion is not
> the only thing you did.  You went further to suggest
> that I should lead the movement from the front
> together with your cronies.  This is certainly
> preposterous, especially considering my very recent
> posts.  If I tell you that a well is good, do you
> expect me to jump into it?  Do you expect me to join
> hands with people who are out to finish this State
> just for the sake of a few Awards?
>      You are crowing that << the draft amendment to
> ADD Roman script has already been submitted by
> Churchill Alemao, MLA of Navelim. All that the
> Legislature Department needs to do is to replace the
> word "INSERT"  with the word REPLACE in the draft
> amendment bill and give it to the CM to move it in
> the
> Assembly this December.>>  The amendment as well as
> the hoax about Manipur must have been supplied to
> this
> “graduate” by the reverend and the comedian tiatrist
> who accompanied him on his campaign trail and who
> are
> past-masters in the art of concocting lies, as you
> very well know.  
>      But what I am afraid of is that MGP and BJP are
> just waiting in the wings for the Act to be opened
> for
> amendment on the floor of the Assembly so that they
> could accomplish their task of making Marathi the
> official language; remember that Manohar Parrikar
> had
> once moved a private member’s bill to this effect?. 
> Let me remind you that the existing OLA came about
> only courtesy Rajiv Gandhi; had it not been for his
> strong intervention, Marathi would have been made
> the
> Official Language even at that time.  (“Marathi”
> itself was inserted in the Bill by Dotor Willy, and
> not by Uday Bhembre or even by KPA, as the reverend
> would have us believe.)  And, once the Act is opened
> for amendment, it is a free for all; any MLA is free
> to propose changes; and a change which commands the
> vote of the majority of members present and voting
> gets carried.  Witness the Bill enhancing the
> pension
> of legislators which was passed by the Goa Assembly
> but was returned for reconsideration by the
> Governor. 
> Please take a headcount of current MLAs and judge
> which way the scales are loaded.  And, if the worst
> comes about, DON’T BLAME CHURCHILL ALEMAO; he might
> just about feign ignorance of the English language
> like he did when he was caught on camera.
> By the way, when you state, << what are we fighting
> for since 04 February, 1987?>>, who are these “we”? 
> I
> ask this because you have already disclaimed being a
> member of any camp, group, lobby whatever. Hence
> this
> “we” becomes enigmatic.
> Sotachench Zoit Zatolem.
> Mog asum.
> Sebastian Borges
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 "Miguel Braganza"
> wrote: 
> Mogall Sebastiao-bab,
> If that be the case, what are we fighting for since
> 04
> February, 1987?
> Let us melt our swords and make them into
> ploughshares
> ...and sow the
> seeds of Konkani in Roman script in our schools,
> colleges and
> Government departments so that they may bear a
> hundred
=== message truncated ===

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