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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 15:02:20 -0500
From: "Kevin Saldanha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am quite comfortable with opposing viewpoints if
they can be debated logically and rationally. 
However, when I am forced to accept blatant
evangelizing on a so-called secular forum, I will
exercise my right to speak up.
Mario responds:
I am bemused by your assertion that you are forced to
accept blatant evangelizing, or anything else, on
Goanet.  What does that mean, "forced to accept"?
Does membership here demand that you read every post
and get emotionally involved in its contents?
As you have noted yourself, you are free to exercise
your right to speak up.  There are plenty of atheist
and agnostic members here quite capable of making
their opinions known.
The last time I checked, this is an open forum, not a
strictly secular forum with restrictions on religious
If you don't like a topic, can't you just ignore it,
as you would do in a REAL forum or gathering?  Who is
forcing you to read a post, or like it, or respond to
it if you don't want to?  If you think a post is
illogical or irrational, you are free to say so.  If
they don't answer your queries perhaps it is because
they cannot, or choose not to, which is their right.
I have answered queries only to find that the thread
had been closed nano-seconds earlier leaving the
questions or comments seemingly unanswered as far as
readers who were following the discussion were
concerned.  The only recourse is to refer questions to
the list administrator and hope that they are fair and
balanced.  I may feel they are not in certain cases. 
I have the free choice to leave the forum, or stay.
In my opinion, the only requirement should be
civility, and the only restrictions should be on
personal abuse, remembering that there are many Goans
who don't live in Goa and may have concerns and
interests unrelated to Goa.
I can show you gross personal abuse in an uncouth 
post just this month which neither you nor anyone else
objected to.  Yet, you seem apoplectic over an
"inspirational newsletter to the followers of his
faith" by Mr Botelho.

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