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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




A bride is a woman, who is to be married or has recently been married.
This includes any woman who is to be married beyond what is considered
to be the conventional age. It would be different is one were to use
adjectives like bridelike or brideless. In Goa one still hears, vokol
koxi dista; vokol vokolebhasin ravon zai (metaphysics of vokolponn!)
In cruder mindsets then, the archaic machinery of bonding, along with
its attendant arms of acquisition and human ownership start into
motion. Also, a woman who may not be able to bear children, is still a
bride around the time of marriage. Or to make an extreme
extrapolation, as a mother is a mother, even when she is senile,
urinating upon herself, doing unmotherlike things, and incapable of
showing what are regarded as motherly feelings, advice, etc.

A spinster is a woman who has reached the conventional span of
marriageable ages and is not yet married. Or one who remains single
(unmarried) beyond the conventional age when marriages are desired.
Before that time (conventional age = fertility, Geetantlem Geet,
etc.), she would not be alluded to as a spinster but carry whatever
label a particular society attaches to its gender/sex from birth
onwards to maturities. But when it becomes clear, that she will be
united in matrimony, then she must be regarded and celebrated as a
bride. One would indeed think that she would be feeling as such
towards the days of her marriage (as well as the groom seeing her as
such)-- until the euphoria of the wedding points the couple into the
compact of marriage. All this is not worth it, if again, what I have
heard over time, such as: Cheh! ten zantten. Kazaracho vistid ghalun
vokol zata! Teca burghim zatelim, poskim postelim musta!

There is the other side too, on grooms and bachelors. For bachelors we
hear the label, eligible bachelor, which we do not hear conversely for
women. And am reminded of the "elbowing" that illwishers resort to
when one of the two is much younger, but genuinely wish to get married
to each other. No force, no shenanigans whatsoever. But many around
feel discomfort. I believe that ideas of marriage can help us learn a
lot about Goan ways.

The question is if one was interested in helping, could have been "how
old is the "prospecting/prospective" groom?  Or it should have been
stated in theoriginal post.

> From: "gilroy britto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 are you looking for a bride or a spinster???
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: GOA-BOY
> Looking for a goan bride between the age of 27-31 height upto 5'2. if
> interested kindly email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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