Sun Feb 3 18:21:43 PST 2008
Bhandare wrote in a post titled "Gandhi":
Who is a terrorist depends on whose version you want
to hear. A democratically elected Prezident Bush is
widely regarded as a "terrorist" for a large section
of the muslim world. On the other hand Osama is hailed
as a "revolutionary hero" and a "lion of resistance"
The same is true for every other revolutionary or
Mario responds:
I must disagree with my friend Bhandare that a
terrorist is in the eye of the beholder.  This is a
dismissive popular sophistry that does not stand up to
closer scrutiny.
In my opinion, a terrorist is someone who deliberately
TARGETS innocent civilians with threats and/or harm or
death in order to terrorize them and achieve a
political objective.
The key words above are "deliberately TARGETS".  
For example, during WW-II both sides engaged in
blatant terrorism by deliberately targeting innocent
If the jihadis on 9/11 had restricted themselves to
attacking the Pentagon with airplanes without
deliberately using innocent civilians as pawns I would
not consider them terrorists.
The Turkish forces currently attacking armed and
hostile Kurdish rebels are not terrorists.  When Hamas
and Hezbollah attack Israeli defense forces they are
not acting as terrorists - when they attack Israeli
civilians with rockets aimed at their residential
neighborhhods, they are acting as terrorists.
Menachem Begin was a terrorist leader prior to 1947
and later became Prime Minister of Israel.  Yasser
Arafat was clearly a terrorist most of his career by
ordering and supporting attacks aimed at Israeli
I would argue that President Bush is falsely
considered a "terrorist" by a small section of the
Muslim world to divert attention from the actual
terrorists they may sympathize with.  Many of the 80%
of Iraqis who are Shia or Kurds would not call him a
terrorist because he was instrumental in deposing the
dictator who was actually terrorizing them.  Law
abiding Afghans would not consider him a terrorist. 
Besides, American troops are investigated and severely
punished if they are found to have deliberately
targeted civilians.
Most Indonesian Muslims would not consider Bush a
terrorist after the tsunami relief provided by the
USA, nor would Muslim Albanians or Kosovans who credit
him a hero of their struggle for independence from
Serbian brutality and terrorism, and the Serbs are
supposed to be Christians.
While some Muslim radicals may see Osama as a
revolutionary I doubt most Muslims would agree.  By
committing "haram" by openly and deliberately
targeting innocent civilians in Muslim and non-Muslims
countries he is considered by most regular Muslims as
an Islamic heretic.  Besides, most of the victims of
his terrorist actions have been Muslims

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