> From: anand virgincar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] MP and Panjim (was Why Manohar Parrikar is not
>       CM today)
>    My comments :
>    As I said , the days of flinging accusations at MP on Goanet without 
> providing 
>    factual proof are long gone.
>    I will answer some of the allegations above , which are entirely 
> justified. The
>    rest are indicative of a visceral hatred.May I please request the 
> gentlemen 
>    above to select the questions which apply to their statements and provide
>    me with facts to support their allegations.

Dr. Anand, I fear that this is getting very tedious for the other
members of Goanet. All these issues have been discussed in detail
in the past. As a relatively new member, please go through the
archives. Beyond that, all you have to do is type in the necessary
keywords in any competent search engine, and the material pops up
on your screen.

>    # "The INOX cost 5 times the legitimate expenditure". 
>    Can we please have the financial figures to back this claim. Can we also 
> have
>    the figures on expenditures for IFFI 2005/2006/2007 and details of what the
>    monies were spent on ( for comparison.)

There is a detailed Herald Editorial, also available at
Check the archives of Goan Observer, with articles like "IFFI in a
 jiffy". Details of the entire CAG report on misspending and
irregularities in IFFI 2004 are available, and are quite
revealing. Etc. Remo's classic article on IFFI 2004 addresses many
broader issues.

>    # "IFFI 2004 made life a living hell for residents".
>    What made life a living hell for residents ( besides traffic jams...which 
> occur in
>    Goan cities on a daily basis, and were clearly more likely to occur when 
> an event
>    of this scale was being organised in Goa for the first time ) ?

As above. Also go talk to the residents of Campal. Goan newspapers
had detailed reports. Goanet archives are illuminating. NDTV had
detailed coverage, and they also interviewed Patricia Pinto on
this issue.

>    #" He wished IFFI on Goa for perpetuity"
>    Can you please provide evidence that MP forced successive governments to
>    continue with IFFI.Also that successive governments made attempts to get
>    IFFI moved out of Goa.

He was the one who demanded Goa as the "permanent venue" of IFFI,
following some grandiose fantasy of competing with Cannes. The sad
part is that politicians wish for something, they get it, and then
people have to suffer the consequences.

As to what the Congress govt. has done thereafter, I am no
apologist for them, berate them as much as you wish. All I am
saying is that MP was at least as bad. One thing, though, is that
costs have now come down substantially, not only because
unnecessary infrastructure is not being built, but because the
public carnival (which is irrelevant to films) is being cut down.
This year they junked a lot of the rubbish, like item numbers
being performed by Bollywood starlets. And IFFI this year took
place without creating any public nuisance. Of course, I am sure
that expenditures do need scrutiny, and I hope you will enlighten
us since you have introduced the subject.

>    # " MP washed his hands off the flooding of Panjim in 2005 by blaming the
>    unusually heavy monsoons "
>    Please provide factual data as to what MP said. Also provide evidence that
>    the unusually heavy rains were not a contributory cause.

I didn't make this comment, but the above applies. Google is a
very good search engine. Yahoo search is also quite adequate. Try
them out. The Central Library in Panjim also maintains a hard-copy
archive of Goan newspapers, go through it.

Finally, I make the same appeal to you again. Let us not bore
members of Goanet (and each other) to distraction with old
material. When you ask, and then complain that you are not getting
answers (implying that they don't exist), others are forced to
respond, wasting precious bandwidth on stuff that is old hat.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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