Now, an Internet 10,000 times faster than broadband

LONDON, APRIL 7 (Agencies) — The scientists who
invented the Internet have now built a lightning-fast
successor that can download a full-length feature film
in five seconds, with a speed around 10,000 times
faster than a normal broadband connection. 
Cern, the particle physics centre that created the
World Wide Web, says what they have named ‘The Grid’
would have the power needed to transmit 3D holographic
images; allow simultaneous online gaming with lakhs of
players; and offer high-definition video telephony for
the price of a local call. 

Professor of physics at Glasgow University David
Britton, who is a leading figure in the Grid project,
says: “With this kind of computing power, future
generations will have the ability to collaborate and
communicate in ways older people like me cannot even

It is to become operational this summer, when Cern
scientists switch on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
a new particle accelerator they have built to probe
the origin of the universe.  The Grid has been
designed to capture the gargantuan amounts of data it

Cern, which is based near Geneva, in Switzerland
started working on the Grid seven years ago, when
researchers realised the LHC would generate data
equivalent to 56 million CDs each year – if they were
stacked one on top of another, the pile would be 40
miles high. 

Cern was where Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web in
1989. But it is not powerful enough to handle this
much data – if it was used, the entire Internet could
crash worldwide. That’s because the Internet is linked
by cables and routing equipment that was originally
designed for telephone calls. It lacks the capacity
for massive high-speed data transmission.
But the Grid has been built with dedicated fibre optic
cables and modern routing centres. There are no
outdated components to slow the data. Over 55,000
servers have already been installed to store the data,
and this network will expand to 200,000 within two
Technical Director of the Grid project Prof Tony Doyle
says: “We need so much processing power, there
wouldn’t be enough electricity to run the computers if
they were all at Cern.” So the new network has to be
powerful enough to send the data instantly to research
centres in other countries. 

This parallel Internet is now built, using fibre optic
cables that run from Cern to 11 centres in the United
States, Canada, the Far East, Europe and around the
world. From each centre, further connections radiate
out to research institutions, using existing
high-speed academic networks. Britain alone has 8,000
servers on the Grid system – in theory, any student in
these chosen institutions should be able to hook up to
the Grid rather than the Internet by the end of this

Grid project leader Ian Bird says grid technology
could make the Internet so fast that people could stop
using desktop computers to store information and keep
it all on the Grid. “It will lead to what’s known as
cloud computing, where people keep all their
information online and access it from anywhere,” he

But the real goal of the Grid is to work with the LHC
in tracking down nature’s most elusive particle, the
Higgs boson. Predicted in theory but never yet found,
it is supposed to be what gives matter mass. But even
at optimum performance, The LHC will generate only a
few thousand of the particles a year. Analysing the
mountain of data is such a huge task that it will keep
the Grid’s gargantuan capacity busy for years to come.

The bad news is that the Grid itself is unlikely to be
available to domestic Internet users, but the good
news is that many telecoms providers and businesses
are already introducing its pioneering technologies.
One of them, dynamic switching, creates a dedicated
channel for Internet users trying to download large
volumes of data such as films. In theory, a standard
desktop computer could download a movie in five
seconds using this technology, rather than the three
hours or so it takes today.
But the Grid will be made available to academic
researchers, including astronomers and molecular
biologists. Cern scientists claim it has already been
used to help design new drugs against malaria.
Researchers used the Grid to analyse 140 million
compounds, a task that would have taken a standard
Internet-linked computer 420 years. Projects like the
Grid will bring huge changes in business and society
as well as science, experts say. The history of the
Internet shows one cannot predict its real impacts,
but they are bound to be huge.

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