I am doing a commentary on 'Advani' in response to the editorial article in
the NT by Praful Bidwai. (NT April 10, 2008)

In it I see myself as a pre-independent- India baby wearing the Portuguese
colonial yoke. Therefore, at birth, I have no clue about Independent India.
I blame the recent upheavals in India w.r.t. RSS  initiatives a la Godhra
because of Advin's  impatience to occupy the PM's chair by hook or by crook.
the bargain he has destroyed the credibitity of our Goans who have been
indoctrinated into the RSS phylosophy and have become brainless zombies to
help Advani realise his selfish goal of 'One day becoming the Prime
Minister  at the cost of Goa and Goans.

Why am I going the round about way? What do I want to say??

Just that Goans have never had the communal baggage (if at all, not
overtly). RSS has dumped in on Goa, thanks to guys like Advani. This has
created a lot of Anti-Goans out of clean Goa Goans.

I see myself as a throughbred Goan. I am not bothered if the rest of India
up in flames due to misplaced priorities of a few to reap rich benefits for
themselves. But if that affects my Goa, then I
don't want anything to do with the rest of India (Migrant issue, communalism, High Command dictat etc) In short, what I am saying
is that I will not support India as my country if it helps to put fire to my
house and burn it down. My patriotism is for my Goa  first and maybe, just
maybe it will spill over for my country as a whole if Goa is not sought to
be run-over to help India gain high economic status. It will certainly not
be at the cost of making a pig-sty out of Goa and pigs out of Goans. In that
case, I say take your India and stuff it, for all I care. Or else, you
listen to what Goa is saying and what Goans, not the indoctrinated zombies
say. In short, coming to Advani, I will refuse to accept Advani as India's PM. For me, a traitor cannot be India's PM.

Re: Mathany and the SEZs in Goa. Mathany has always had my fullest of
support in what he has done. He will continue to have my support always,
provided he remains on the track that has been set in the beginning.  I
equally share the blame to give the call to the tourist to help us out to
keep Goa's interests safe (indirectly theirs)  w.r.t.
SEZs. We did not want Goa destroyed as a long-term touristic haven just
because of some avaricious politicians and their business chamchas.

I respect Arwin Mesquita and I stand-by  with what he has said above.



(The Praful Bidwai article and my commentary will be up shortly)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Arwin Mesquita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 2:04 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Who is Anti-Goan?

During the Anti-SEZ movement, Mr. Mathany Saldanha called for Tourists to
leave Goa by a certain date. I have my views on the latter, with respect
the critics:

(A) Criticism from some sections of the Public:
While I do agree that Tourism is a major contributor to Goa's Economy, DO
KILL THE GOOSE THAT LAYS THE GOLDEN EGG. Many do not appreciate the fact
that people flock to Goa on Tourism primarily because, Of Goa's Unique
Charm, Hospitality, People, Culture & Identity and NOT only because of our
beautiful beaches/greenery. There are many other beautiful beaches/places
other parts of India, but we hold a key advantage!! Yes, If Mr. Saldanha's
call came to action, tourism would be affected for some term, but do the
critics realise that Mr. Saldanha was opposing projects that would
the very strengths, that will sustain/promote tourism in Goa, in the long
term. We should not look at short term opportunities, but instead look at
the same for the long term. I seriously doubt, Tourism will continue to be
successful in Goa in the Long Term, if Goa looses its Basic Charm &
Identity. So who will the critics criticize then!!

(B) Criticism from Politicians:
I found it amusing with some calling Mr. Saldanha, Anti-Goan. For Argument
sake, let's say Mr. Saldanha is Anti-Goan, then what do we call (1) MLA's
who have done nothing for Goan interests but instead kept on pleasing
"High Command" (2) MLA's with Proven Criminal/Illegal records aiming to
Goa for the Highest Bidder e.g. the SEZ lobby now trying for more Cabinet
Power to realize their greed & satisfy their Wealthy Backers (3) Senior
Ministers who nurture/grow sizeable Non-Goan vote banks to ensure their
in the Assembly; leave alone the threat of changing demographics to Goans.
How can they to work for Goans, when they actually do not actually need
Votes?. The list is endless!! We should set up a rating on who is
and I am sure many will be rated very high on this list, much head of Mr.
Saldanha; if at all we want to call him Anti-Goan!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

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