                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
                            Rajan P. Parrikar

       Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008


Launched less than a fortnight ago, Sakaal Times has already started
plagiarising content for their editorials.
The piece published on page 6 'PERSPECTIVE' of the Sakal Time's May 19
edition has lifted a huge chunk (a little less than half the piece) from an
article published on www.cehat.org which has been subsequently published on
various websites.
Here's the original piece and the link to
The bold text is the portion that's blatantly lifted by Sakaal Times.
This is not the first time that we have exposed plagiarism in the Sakaal
Times. In earlier posts we have cited two
editorials in Sakal's Goa edition Gomantak Times were

for more read http://www.penpricks.blogspot.com

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