The Villagers need you now.

The Siridao villagers are now in the firing line of the desperate builders and 
real estate mafia. It has happened in Benaulim and now it is occuring in 
Siridao within a span of 8 days.  In both the cases the complainants are the 
local Sarpanchas who have falsely accused the Gram Sabha members of heckling 
them and threatening them with dire consequences. While the inocent benaulim 
villagers are out on bail after a solid show of solidarity,  the 4 accused 
Siridao villagers are awaiting arrest any moment. 
This is not a new phenomena in Gram Sabhas. Corrupt Sarpanchas and elected 
members use their office to target innocent citizerns who demand their rights 
and perform their duty.  Political patronage to these Sarpanchas encourages 
them to work against the people and turn them into criminals just to discourage 
them from exercising their democratic rights. Reports received indicate that 
the Goa government is now contemplating amendment to the Gram Sabha laws to 
neutralise their say in the construction activity in the villages. GBA which 
prides itself as being the voice of the Goan people has not even issued a press 
note in solidarity with the villagers who are battling it out on the ground. 
Instead they are busy providing kits to the people to create awareness about 16 
& 16A. Distract the people with one problem, while the more serious one's get 
ignored. This is politics GBA style?
When fishermen suspend their fishing activities to battle against the mega 
projects their contribution is taken for granted. When taxi drivers, toddy 
tappers forego their day's earnings just to join the battle for their villages, 
no one acknowledges their sacrifice. But when professionals step out of their 
AC comforts to join a people's struggle, the people are expected to sing 
praises in their name. What discrimination?
It is time for the people of Goa to stand up unitedly and repulse the attack on 
the democratic rights of citizens by the corrupt politicians who are in 
collusion with the builder, real estate and drug mafia in Goa. Let us voice out 
our support in solidarity with the Gram Sabha members of Benaulim, Colva, 
Carmona, Betalbatim, Siridao, Aldona, Moira, Agonda, and 

-Soter D'Souza

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