Rajan Parrikar writes:

>>Bravo, Remo, Bravo!

>>I, too, have felt the rage Remo writes about, watching
>>the viral degradation of Goa at the hands of migrants,
>>builders, land sharks, miners - all facilitated by our politicos.
>>What do you expect from a third-rate country that is India?

The Alarm at the Airport was raised because Remo's act was clearly a
case of irresponsible behavior and negligence. To err is human, we all
make mistakes and the divine Goans would certainly have forgiven Remo
for his minor transgression. Remo should have accepted this plain
simple fact, paid the fine and the issue would have been a dead horse
then and there.

Now, Remo chooses to get in all kinds of "Red herrings" to justify his
own irresponsible behavior. If this isn't bad enough, what is worse is
rational people are behaving irrationally, getting carried away by
Remo's rabble-rousing rhetoric. Oscar, Miguel and GBA are passé. India
is the newest Villain now.

Some days back, something similar happened at the "Inox Multiplex" in
Panjim, when I had gone with a group of friends to watch a movie. At
Inox, the general practice is to frisk, for security reasons, patrons
before they are allowed entry into the theatre complex. A couple of my
vocal friends found this objectionable and brought in these same "we-
are- Goans- and -we should- not- be- checked- by- the- Non-Goan-
security- guards" issue. At that point, I had to step in and remind
them that - - thanks to the security guards who were performing their
duties responsibly and diligently - - we were all safe inside.

Why do we not discuss issues rationally and logically? Why do we allow
our emotions to get the better of us on almost anything and
everything? The issue at the Airport was likewise simply a case of
security concerns raised by Airport personnel who were only performing
their duties. Their concerns were justifiable since there were
intelligence reports of terrorists shifting their base to Goa. The
commendable part was that they performed their duties responsibly;
without differentiating between a Remo Fernandes and an "aam aadmi".
Now, instead of applauding them and criticizing Remo, we are doing the
reverse. Thankfully, the voices of absurdity are only a few.

I am a huge fan of Remo but he needs to, once again, "Pack the Smack.
We all are frustrated with our politicians and Governance in Goa, but
we don't move around flouting all the laws, rules and regulations. If
we want the Government to be responsible, we have to act like
responsible citizens too!

Sandeep Heble
  • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Sandeep Heble
      • ... Carvalho
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
      • ... floriano
    • ... Angela Braganza
    • ... pinto henry

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