" Tumkaan sogleank Aamontron ditaun aamchea Bazaar Disaak yeopaak: " (We invite 
you all to come for our Market Day. ) held on the fourth Sunday Club day on 24 
August 2008 to celebrate World Goa day and Bazaar Dis held at Warrigal Road 
State School from 2pm to 5pm 

In addition to regular sporting activities that is, badminton, table tennis and 
carrom - we will be staging a short TIATR ('Theatre"  followed by Goan music 
and Goan songs.

For the bazaar you are invited to bring along anything that you may like to 
sell - such as food (pickles, jams, biscuits, cakes, samosas) craft items 
(paintings / beads and earrings) , childrens' toys and the like. Full proceeds 
of the sale go to the seller; the seller does not have to give any percentage 
of the sales proceeds to the club.

The Club will provide tea and coffee.  Please bring a plate of 'afternoon tea' 
to share.

Joy de Souza

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