Is this part of Raheja's Campaign?
Dear Fellow Goans,
The meeting of a gang of brick and mortar professionals with the government and 
their accusations against the people of Goa needs to be seriously viewed by the 
people. This slimy tribe now has the audacity to accuse the government of 
bowing down to public pressure and being totally blind to the trauma that the 
enterpreneurs are suffering due to the ongoing public outcry against ongoing / 
forthcoming projects. It is a clear case of  thieves crying foul when they do 
not get their way around the police. For the last several years, taking the 
patronage of successive corrupt governments, these bullies have traumatised 
poor citizens into parting with their lands and used all foul means to subvert 
justice against gross illegalities and crime committed, even to the extent of 
terrorising vigilant citizens with goons. 
Now that they are at the receiving end they cry before the government and 
politely implore it to use its bully tactics and police machinery to crush 
people's resistance and subvert democracy in order to allow them free access to 
plunder. These are the very culprits who in their quest and greed for dollars 
and status have mercilessly plundered the ecology and livelihood of the goan 
people . These are the very scums who have successively used the politicians to 
illegally apply PDA building rules in Village Panchayat areas so that they can 
construct mega projects and commercial complexes. These are the professionals 
who never made a hue and cry about gross discrepancies in the planning and 
building norms and even raked up the Regional Plan 2011 issue just to free 
themselves from the grip of Babush Monserate and to stop the non-goan real 
estate lobby from entering Goa. This tribe should be tried in the international 
court for destroying the identity, peace, tranquility, sustainability and 
beauty of  goan villages that has been literally tarnished with ugly monsters 
meant for migrants.
These Babbar's and Hitler's of the modern economy now advise NGO's and social 
action groups on moderation when they themselves have failed to set an example 
in their profession. Taking advantage of the ignorance of the  people these 
narkasurs have not even left a square inch of land as breathing space. What 
moral right do these dacoits in professional robes have to advise others about 
moderation? Goans should not take this lying down. Whether we embrace peace or 
whether we become violent, the end result is death both ways.  The peace loving 
culture of goans has been abused and taken as a license by migrants and real 
estate sharks to conduct a silent and non-violent ethnic genocide against goans 
themselves in their own land. Cursed be their generations for this and we the 
people will not surrender our rights till our last breath. 

-Soter D'Souza

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