Internationally renowned environmental activist and philosopher in the 
tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, who has been tirelessly fighting as a member of 
the Chipko movement for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas and other 
parts of country and for the protection of rivers, will arrive in Goa on 3rd 
September 2008 on his way from Delhi to Karnataka. In Goa he will be 
accompanied by noted environmental activist Mr. Pandurang Hegde leader of 
Karnataka's Chipko movement which is popularly known as Appiko, and noted 
gandhian activist Mr. Kumar Kalanand Mani of Peaceful Society. 

Sunderlal Bahugunaji is expected to meet social activists and Gram Sabha 
members from Goa who are relentlessly battling against environmental 
degradation and for preserving the unique identity of Goa through the Village 
Panchayats. Besides visiting various sites of environmental degradation and 
meeting the local people whose traditional livelihood and identity is being 
threatened by modern development, Bahugunaji will address a public rally 
organised by Gaon Ghor Rakhonn Manch (GGRM) on the same day at Dando Grounds, 
Benaulim at 4 p.m.. On the occassion a report on the 'Status of the western 
ghats' compiled by Mr. Pandurang Hegde leader of Appiko, which is responsible 
for stalling tree felling in the western ghats, will be released by Bahugunaji. 

The Chipko movement which literally means 'to stick' (to the trees), spread 
throughout Uttar Pradesh from 1973 and achieved a major victory in 1980 with a 
15-year ban on green felling in the Himalayan forests of that State by order of 
India's then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. A similar ban was later also 
implemented in the states of Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh. The movement 
spread to Himachal Pradesh in the north, Karnataka in the south, Rajasthan in 
the west, Bihar in the east and to the Vindhyans in central India. In addition 
to the ban in Uttar Pradesh, the movement succeeded in halting clear felling in 
the Western Ghats and the Vindhyas, as well as generating pressure for a 
natural resources policy more sensitive to people's needs and environmental 
factors. One of Bahuguna's notable contributions to that cause and to 
environmentalism in general, was his creation of the Chipko's slogan "ecology 
is permanent economy." 

In the late 1980s, Bahuguna joined the campaign that already for many years had 
been opposing construction of a proposed Himalayan dam on the river near his 
birthplace of Tehri. In 1989 he began the first of a series of hunger strikes 
to draw political attention to the dangers posed by the dam and in due course 
the Chipko Movement gave birth to the Save Himalaya Movement. He helped bring 
the movement to prominence through a 5,000 kilometer trans-Himalaya march 
conducted from 1981 to 1983, and met with the then Indian Prime Minister Indira 
Gandhi. That meeting is credited with resulting in Ms. Gandhi's subsequent 
green-felling ban. He received the Right To Livelihood Award in 1987.

Bahugunaji ended a 45-day fast in 1995 when the Indian government promised a 
review of the Tehri dam project. But the promise was not kept and the following 
year he committed himself to another fast, only broken after 74 days when the 
Prime Minister gave a personal undertaking to conduct a thorough review, 
largely on Bahuguna's terms. The veteran environmentalist, then in his 70th 
year, told the Prime Minister that the Himalayan glaciers were receding at an 
alarming rate. If this was not checked, the glacier feeding the Ganges would 
disappear within 100 years.



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