Goa's Parivar of Construction Orgies
There seems to be no difference in the operations of the underworld and the 
unscrupulous builders in present day Goa.  Gullible goans who have the 
experience of being ensnared by builders will be in a better position to 
narrate their horrendous experiences of these self styled champions of goan 
welfare. A gang of some builders and their parivar of architects and engineers 
have made a scathing attack on the people of Goa in a recent memorandum handed 
over to the government and sponsored by them as advertorials. Imagine the 
desperation of these exploitative conspirators against the goan people that 
they need advertorials to fool the unsuspecting goans. They have expressed 
about being extremely alarmed by the overall situation prevailing in Goa State, 
wherein all development projects by the Government or by the Private enterprise 
are being opposed by groups of individuals and / or by NGOs. Is this true?
These environmental rapists have expressed that they are alarmed by the 
tendency of NGO's to overstretch their argument with utter disregard to the 
issues concerning development, employment generation, investment, revenue, etc. 
It further reveals that they are more alarmed to see that the Agitators in the 
villages are led by self styled local leaders, and they do not hesitate to take 
the law into their own hands, and stop duly approved Projects by use of force.  
They are also trying to pressurise Political Parties into clearly spelling out 
what kind of Economic Activity they want in Goa or, whether they want Mobs to 
take the Law into their own hands, in the name of Democracy. What  a pretence 
of those very plunderers who have manipulated all he laws in the State even to 
the extent of  disrespect for human rights?
They have opined that if no immediate corrective action is taken by the 
Government the situation will lead to total anarchy and chaos and the whole 
economic activity in Goa will be severely affected. Is this true?
These type of opinions do not surprise anyone in Goa as time and again 
politicians, industrialists, builders, contractors and the rest from these 
overindulgent tribe of looters, whose illegal and exploitative bluffs when 
exposed by the public, have resorted to slanderous propaganda of dubbing NGOs 
and people's struggles as anti-development, anti-national or rival sponsored. 
Such tongue tickling propaganda about corruption and manipulation by NGOs is 
already in circulation by hired PROs. The failure of these environmental 
butchers to further their personal economic interests gets projected as a 
set-back to the national / State economy and progress. But are these so called 
government or private development projects enhancing the quality of the 
environment and life of society as a whole, or are they designing the 
deterioration in Goa's societal peace and fragile environment? 
The people of Goa had never opposed building projects which had been 
constructed over the last few years. So why is it that these projects have 
suddenly come under fire? Taking the case of Benaulim itself, the unscrupulous 
builder who goes around as a philantropist has land locked 4 to 5 families with 
his construction project. It does not end here. The builder has been 
pressurising these families to part with their houses and land in exchange for 
a flat. Can a construction activity that blocks a persons sunlight, ventilation 
and access to his own house be considered as democratic? 
Coming to the claims of builders that approved projects are being stalled, it 
only takes a visit to the site to notice the blatant violations in set-backs, 
road access, FAR and so on. Getting hold of an approved building plan from the 
Village Panchayat is a hell of a task but what is more horrifying is that even 
after a complaint is filed before the competent authorities, no action 
whatsoever is taken. Even before the authorities make their arrival on the 
scene the builders goons and agents will visit the house of the complainant to 
threaten and negotiate a settlement. The local sarpanch may dig the files for 
some irregularity of the complainant and issue a notice to distract him/her. Is 
this not anarchy? A noted construction company which carries out its rape in 
the name of God has even gone to the extent of offering to sponsor the marriage 
ceremony of local representatives in Socorro village. If all is clean with the 
builders, then for what is the offer of 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs to silence the 
This shameless tribe of anti-goans are definitely more of a curse to Goa then a 
blessing. The Benaulim villagers have challenged them to conduct a joint site 
inspection of all the project sites along with the public and prove their 
claims that they are unjustly being harassed. The villagers have challenged the 
Panchayat minister to meet the Gram Sabha and make his allegations in their 
presence instead of taking pot shots from and under the cover of sanctified 
precincts beyond the accessibility of the public. 
Builder orgy has prevailed for the last 10 years and in our villages. The 
people of Goa have taken enough of the blocked pathways, overflowing septic 
tanks, polluted water bodies, shortage of drinking water, flickering 
electricity, blocked drainage and waterways, land grab, fudging of land 
documents and all the rubbish which is directly created by the unscrupulous 
builder scums of Goa. Watch the documentary on the 'Rape of Goa' by Rajan 
Parrikar to see and believe about the so called development of Goa by these 
self-acclaimed righteous builder parivar.

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