Union Government Uses Article 355 in Orissa, Karnataka at last to curb
Hindurtva violence against Christians

New Delhi, September 18, 2008

Christian Council welcomes Union Government invoking Article 355 to
force Orissa, Karnataka   administrations to protect Christians

As violence continues in both States, and in Madhya Pradesh, Council
demands action against Bajrang Dal, VHP as Terror outfits

[The following statement was issued by Dr John Dayal, Secretary
General, and All India Christian Council.]

The All India Christian Council has welcomed late night reports that
the Union Government has invoked Article 355 of the Constitution
warning the administrations of Orissa and Karnataka it will intervene
they do not immediately bring to a halt the continuing violence by the
Sangh Parivar against the Christian community.

The Union Government directive comes days after Christian Council
leaders, with Mr. Mahesh Bhatt and Maulana Mahmood Madani, MP, called
on President Pratibha Patil urging her to enforce Article 355 of the
Constitution of India on Orissa, the State worst affected. Since then
violence spread to Karnataka, with Mangalore district as the focal
point, and is now raging even in Madhya Pradesh with a Cathedral
torched in Jabalpur after violence in Indore, Jhabua and some other
towns.  The delegation members from the Christian Council included Dr
John Dayal, Dr Abraham Mathai of Mumbai and Rev Madhu Chandra of New

Top legal opinion available to All India Christian Council had then
held that while Article 356 calls for imposition of President's rule
when New Delhi takes over reins of power through the Governor and his
Advisors, Article 355 says the Union Government can directly act to
protect States against external and internal disturbance. It is
obvious that despite the nonchalant attitude of the Home Ministry, the
Prime Minister and the UPA chairperson, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, both of
whom had been approached by several delegations of the Christian
community, finally decided to act. A delegation of Members of
Parliament was meeting the Prime Minister today evening on this issue.

We had reminded the President, as also Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, that the
violence that has continued against Christians in Orissa from 23rd
August till today justified the use of Article 355.

Dr Dayal, who returned from Orissa lat, last night, said the situation
in both states was getting out of hand. In Orissa, the Sangh Parivar
had now turned against the state police, and had in fact lynched
policemen in attacks to free the few culprits police did manage to
arrest for murdering Christians and torching churches in Kandhamal and
other districted of the state.

Dr Dayal said civil society fact finding reams as well as priests
staying with the refugees in various government camps have spoken of
the terrible living conditions. Several children have already died and
large scale epidemics are feared. The government's response has to
been to coerce several tribal and Dalit families to leave the camps.
The condition of the tens of thousands of people on the forest is not
known, with relief agencies not permitted to go beyond the government

The All India Christian Council has also condemned the police violence
against Nuns, mothers and youth in Mangalore and demanded exemplary
actions against the policemen and their offices.

Forwarded by Ancy Paladka

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