As three more youth in their teens get swallowed by the tempting seas and two 
more youth are arrested for dacoities, a woman jumps in the Mandovi and here 
body recovered near marriott, there is only one thing that keeps coming back to 
my mind again and again. The nature is no more going to be tolerant and 
benevolent to us the ungrateful Goan people. Our ancestors have always shared a 
very deep bond with the nature around and though illiterate they had a wisdom 
that far surpassed our present day PhDs.  They treated their surroundings as 
living beings. They just had one principle 'Live and Let Live'. 
We the so called over enlightened and technologically advanced generations have 
not acknowledged this fact and have traded our lands, hills and waters for 
prostitution and vice.  All this just for that extra jingle tingle in our 
pockets. We cheer the real estate sharks demanding industries to employ our so 
believed rising unemployed professionals senselessly churned out from Colleges. 
On the other hand, Mr. Ralph D'Souza of TTAG cries that there are no Goan youth 
coming forward to work in the tourism industry.  It's all about Jingle Tingle 
glamopur economy and easy multiplication of wealth that determines development. 
We have angered the nature Gods and they will be unforgiving. All our jingle 
tingle  will vanish in the upkeep of security guards and lifeguards but we 
shall not have peace until we fall on our knees and undo the wrongs. Goa will 
no more be Goa. It will just be reduced to a can of avarice, lust, conspiracy, 
mental illnesses and the likes. The party of Peace for which the hippies 
thronged to Goa's shores is over, henceforth it wil be the party of Death. We 
are already a suicide point along India's coast. Our rivers will die, the seas 
will engulf us, the hills will tremor and disease will flourish. Long live the 
development by Goan crabs and conspirators.  On one hand we destroy our 
'Special Abode' while on the other we prepare the grounds for 'Special Status', 
only till the next elections I suppose. 

-Soter D'Souza

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